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God’s Judgement || Delle Matthews || Romans 2:1-16
God is an inescapable judge, a righteous judge, and a fair judge. We’re continuing our series on the Power of the Gospel, with our Life Groups Minister Delle Matthews opening up Romans chapter 2. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Our Need for the Gospel || Maddy Bialecki || Romans 1:18-32
Today we’re continuing our look through the book of Romans, a first-century letter to the church there, written by Paul. In this talk, Maddy takes a deep dive into why we desperately need the Gospel. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Not Ashamed of the Gospel || Joel Snibson || Romans 1:8-17
Today we’re continuing our look through the book of Romans, a first-century letter to the church there, written by Paul. In this talk, Joel explores three ways Paul is in a posture for sharing the gospel or good news about Jesus: that he’s not ashamed,…
What is the GOSPEL? || Tim Johnson || Romans 1:1-7
In just the first 7 verses of Romans, we learn 4 things about the Good News of Jesus.
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God at Work in the NT || Derek & Rosemary Snibson || 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5
If you’d like prayer updates from the Snibsons, you can sign up at CMS
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Dr Jesus || Tim Johnson || Luke 5:27-32
Who needs a doctor? The sick, or the healthy? Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:

Dr Jesus || Tim Johnson || Luke 5:27-32
Who needs a doctor? The sick, or the healthy?
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Jesus Forgives and Heals || Joel Snibson || Luke 5:17-26
Jesus’ first priority in his ministry was spiritual healing, not physical.
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Jesus Cleanses || Delle Matthews || Luke 5:12-16
Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse us. Jesus is willing enough to step down into our mess. Jesus is loving enough to invite us into his big family.
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Zechariah’s Song || Delle Matthews|| Luke 1:67-79
Have you ever thought – what I’ve done is too bad. Unforgivable. Irredeemable? Well simply put. You’d be wrong. With Christmas just around the corner, here’s your reminder that Jesus is our one true hope, and that nothing can separate us from the love …
Mary’s Song || Joel Snibson || Luke 1:46-56
It can be hard to see from our 2000 year of removal from the birth of Jesus, but his coming was the start of a revolution. Like all good revolutions, this one had an anthem in song: Mary’s song, that we find in Luke.
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Hannah’s Song || Tim Johnson || 1 Samuel 2:1-10
Today marks the start of Advent, a season of quiet anticipation for Christmas. Maybe not so quiet these days, as seasonal creep brings Christmas carols earlier and earlier, and pre-Christmas catchups mount. But as a church, we’re trying to make space f…
Miriam’s Song || Joel Snibson || Exodus 15:1-18
As we wait for Christmas, to celebrate the birth of our saviour, carols will be a big part of that. Singing to remind ourselves, and to bring praise to God for who his is and what he’s done. We’re starting a new series today looking at song from the bi…
Part of God’s Story || Tim Johnson || Colossians 3:1-14
What stories do we tell ourselves? Maybe stories of success, accomplishment, achievement. Maybe stories of failure, and an attitude of “I’m not good enough”.
We’re coming to the end of our series on identity, called You Do You, and well today be explor…
Thanksgiving 2023 || Maddy Bialecki || 1 Chronicles 16:8-36
A Wright Brother; Australia’s 3rd Prime Minister; St John’s Diamond Creek. All celebrate 156 years in 2023. This Sunday is our Thanksgiving Service, where we thank God for the year that’s been.
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Made for God || Tim Johnson || Galatians 4:4-11
We’re halfway through our You Do You series- exploring this idea of ‘expressive individualism’, and where we find our identity. Modern western culture says to find your true self, you just need to look inward. But as we’ve seen, looking inwards isn’t t…
Made for Community || Joel Snibson || 1 Peter 2:1-10
There’s a saying, that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. The idea being that we are shaped by those we interact with the most. Today we’re exploring the idea that ‘You Do You’ doesn’t work, as we’re made as people who…
You do You? || Tim Johnson || Genesis 3:1-5 & Matthew 4:1-11
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Christ Calls us to Change || Joel Snibson || Matthew 22:1-14
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Christ the Cornerstone || Delle Matthews || Matthew 21:33-46
Building projects abound in Melbourne – from road works, to level crossing removals, to new housing, they’re everywhere. Too, vineyards and wineries are abundant on our doorstep, into the Yarra Valley.
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Saying YES to God || Maddy Bialecki || Matthew 21:28-32
What’s more important, saying you’ll do something, or actually doing it? Today we’re hearing another story from Jesus, about the kingdom of heaven.
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God’s Unfair Grace || Joel Snibson || Matthew 20:1-16
When we focus on our own work and good deeds, we can fall into the trap of comparison. Instead, let’s focus on God’s scandalous grace, bringing joy and celebration when we see others also receiving that grace!
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Why Tim LOVES this Church || Tim Johnson || 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Ten years is an incredible milestone, and one we celebrate today. Tim’s bringing a look at part of Paul’s letter in the new testament to the church in Corinth – from 1 Corinthians chapter 1, on just why Tim loves this church.
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Standing Firm in Prayer & Work || Tim Johnson || 2 Thessalonians 3
For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been thinking about holding on, and standing firm in our faith. Today, Tim wraps up our series in 2 Thessalonians with the end of Paul’s letter, encouraging the church in Thessaloniki to stand firm in prayer and work…
Standing Firm Against False Teaching || Joel Snibson || 2 Thessalonians 2
What do you hold onto in times of struggle?
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