Talks by Andy Barras
Q and A || The Holy Spirit Bonus Episode 3
Wrapping up our series on the Holy Spirit, Andy throws some questions from you at Kirk and Tim.
Can you lose a gift of the Spirit? Why speak in tongues when God understands English? These questions and more, on this episode.
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More Gifts of the Spirit || The Holy Spirit Bonus Episode 2
Continuing our deep dive into the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12, today, Kirk and Andy look at Tongues, Prophecy and Miraculous Powers. Next week: a special Q&A episode. Text your questions anonymously to 0490 453 293, or email them to …
Gifts of the Spirit || The Holy Spirit Bonus Episode 1
Our current series of talks focus on the Holy Spirit- one of three persons of our God. In the next three bonus episodes of the St John’s podcast, we’ll take a deep dive into the gifts of the Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12. In this episode, Andy and …
Christianity Explored || Episode 6 || What’s Next
Episode 6 of Christianity Explored.
The finale of this series, exploring the life of Jesus, his death and resurrection, today Andy and Tim look at how a decision to follow Jesus impacts your life here and now. The bible says that those who believe and …
Christianity Explored || Episode 5 || The Decision
Episode 5 of Christianity Explored.
Having head knowledge about Jesus’ life, death and resurrection isn’t enough. Belief in Jesus, and acknowledging the need for grace because of our failures requires us to accept in our hearts, and voice that we need …
Christianity Explored || Episode 4 || The Response
Episode 4 of Christianity Explored.
This week, Andy and Tim shift from looking just at the historical account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in the book of Mark, and begin looking at what that means for us today.
Send us your questions b…
Christianity Explored || Episode 3 || The Resurrection
Episode 3 of Christianity Explored.
This week, Andy and Tim continue looking through the biography of Jesus, written by Mark (the book of Mark in the bible). We investigate the claim that Jesus is not dead, but rose from the grave 3 days after his brut…
Christianity Explored || Episode 2 || The Cross
Episode 2 of Christianity Explored.
This week, Andy and Tim continue looking through the biography of Jesus, written by Mark (the book of Mark in the bible). We focus on the cross, and why it’s become such a central part of Christianity today.
Christianity Explored || Episode 1 || Jesus’ Authority
This podcast exclusive mini-series encourages you to explore the person of Jesus, by looking through his biography, written by his follower Mark, as an eye witness to the life and teachings of Jesus. Andy and Tim explore the beginning of the book of Ma…
Summer Stories || Biblical Storytelling
Throughout January, the talks at St John’s have taken a different format to usual, meaning they haven’t been appropriate for the format of a podcast. In this episode, Andy and Tim chat about what the teaching has been in January, and will catch you up …
A Creative God
The bible is set up to reveal God’s character to us, so we can get to know him better. The beginning of the bible, Genesis 1, and the creation of the universe, reveals part of God’s character which is often overlooked: his creativity.