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Since the beginning of the Church in the first century, followers of Jesus have gathered in small groups. At St John’s we call these groups ‘Life Groups’, as we believe that they should be about all of life, and about sharing lives with others.
We believe that Life Groups are essential to the life of our church. They are a great place to go deep into God’s word, be part of a pastoral support network and add a great sense of belonging.
Life Groups exist for people of all ages, from youth through to senior adults. We have groups covering all demographics, with many crossing generations.
All our groups are based on these three values. The way the values are expressed varies from group to group.
D – Discipleship
Flows out of our church vision of being people who ‘Grow in Jesus’. It’s about learning to follow Jesus with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Primarily this is done through learning from God’s word (not just intellectually but as we apply it in our lives) and being led by the Spirit through prayer.
N – Nurture
Fits with our vision of being people who ‘Love like Jesus’. People get sick, tired, stuck, depressed, sad, confused and burned out. A good life group will see people nurture each other through the good and hard times, not just in meetings but in the rest of life too.
A – Accountability
In our church vision, we name accountability as a key way we “Grow in Jesus”. Christian people put their hands up to be held accountable to the body of Christ. As followers of Jesus we have certain standards in behaviour that we all agree are important to uphold. We are also sometimes convicted by the Holy Spirit to change something in our life; could be something we need to repent of or it could be a change of direction or a special calling. Good Life Groups will see people keep each other accountable to the commitments we make and the convictions we share. Accountability is not about a legalistic pass/fail mindset, it’s about everyone actually doing this following-Jesus-thing, and doing it together.