Talks by Delle Matthews
Following and Fishing | Delle Matthews | Luke 5:1-11
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Elizabeth: Leaping for Joy || Delle Matthews || Luke 1:39-45
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God’s Writing on our Wall || Delle Matthews || Daniel 5
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Mercy in the Kingdom || Delle Matthews || Matthew 20:29-34
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Praying for Help || Delle Matthews || Psalm 42-43
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Rich Rulers || Delle Matthews || Luke 18 18-30
Jesus answers, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” to a rich man asking how to enter heaven. Join us as Delle teaches how Jesus tells us to live to enter God’s Kingdom. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
I Believe in the Communion of Saints || Delle Matthews || Hebrews 11:32-12:3
We know about Saint John, Saint Paul, even Mother Teresa and Mary McKillop, but what about Saint Gary, or Saint Pam? Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Jesus’ Important Task for Us || Delle Matthews || Luke 24:36-49
Casper, Slimer, Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense- ghosts appear throughout pop culture and we generally accept some rules around ghosts. They can be seen and heard, but usually can’t interact with physical objects, and definitely can’t eat or drink. The idea of Ghosts goes back a long way into human history though, and in today’s passage we see the risen Jesus working to convince his disciples that he isn’t a ghost, but a fully resurrected body. Connect with us…
God’s Judgement || Delle Matthews || Romans 2:1-16
God is an inescapable judge, a righteous judge, and a fair judge. We’re continuing our series on the Power of the Gospel, with our Life Groups Minister Delle Matthews opening up Romans chapter 2. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Jesus Cleanses || Delle Matthews || Luke 5:12-16
Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse us. Jesus is willing enough to step down into our mess. Jesus is loving enough to invite us into his big family.
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Zechariah’s Song || Delle Matthews|| Luke 1:67-79
Have you ever thought – what I’ve done is too bad. Unforgivable. Irredeemable? Well simply put. You’d be wrong. With Christmas just around the corner, here’s your reminder that Jesus is our one true hope, and that nothing can separate us from the love …
Christ the Cornerstone || Delle Matthews || Matthew 21:33-46
Building projects abound in Melbourne – from road works, to level crossing removals, to new housing, they’re everywhere. Too, vineyards and wineries are abundant on our doorstep, into the Yarra Valley.
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Praying for your friends || Delle Matthews || 2 Thessalonians 1
Throughout this series, we’ll continue to see how the Thessalonians are enduring persecution and threatened by wrong teaching. Paul’s letter encourages them to stand firm in their faith and to keep going with Jesus.
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Living flipped lives || Delle Matthews || Luke 19:1-10
Zacchaeus was restored, and his life flipped upside down as he responded to Jesus’ grace and mercy on him. We too are called to live changed lives of repentance, thankful to God for all he has done for us.
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Where is God in the Storm? || Delle Matthews || Acts 27
We all face storms in our lives; seasons of uncertainty and trial. Today, we’ll look for answers to big questions we ask in these storms – Why is God letting this happen? What Good could come from this? And Where is God in all of this?
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Dear Church of Laodicea || Delle Matthews || Revelation 3:14-22
The Church in Laodicea suffered from lukewarmitis. Neither hot, nor cold, they had no zeal or passion for God. How do we listen to God, and answer him when he knocks?
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Dear Church of Smyrna || Delle Matthews || Revelation 2:8-11
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God Provides Rest || Delle Matthews || Mark 4:35-40
Starting out a new year is a great time to find new rhythms – God-created ways to help us flourish.
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Dealing with Judgement || The Kingdom of Heaven || Matthew 13:47-52
Jesus loved to talk in parables – using fictional stories to demonstrate real truths. Delle wraps up this series with an uncomfortable topic – God’s judgement.
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Where is God in the Mundane? || God in the Everyday || Colossians 1:9-14
In today’s talk, we’re wrapping up our God in the Everyday series, and through it, we’ll be exploring what actually takes up the vast majority of our every-day – the mundane ebb and flow of our lives. Where is God when we’re on autopilot? By the end of…
The Promised Spirit || Holy Spirit || Acts 2:14-41
God’s plan for reconciliation begins with the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. In this series, we’ll look at how the Holy Spirit transformed the early church.
Delle continues our series, looking at the foreshadowing of the Holy Spirit – ancient prophe…
Grand Designs: Ancient Israel || Solomon Stories || 1 Kings 6-7
Solomon was a great king of Israel; but what happened to his building project?
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Thankful for Each Other || Thank FULL || Colossians 1:3-14
Even through some of the longest times in lockdown in the world, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for – and psychologists have found those who count their blessings are more likely to have a generally positive attitude in life.
Paul, writing the letter…
The Church Is God’s Temple || Ephesians 2:19-22
We’re experiencing a lot of change at the moment, both at St John’s and in our wider society, so it’s good to get back to the basics of what the church is.
In this series, we’ll be looking at three fundamental truths to what our identity as a church;…
Freedom from the Law || Freedom in Jesus || Galatians 5:1-12
Once Jesus came to earth and died on the cross, the Old Testament law of the Jewish people was fulfilled. It no longer held value, as everything needed for our salvation was done by Jesus. Paul continues his letter to the Galatian church by reiterating…
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