Talks on works
Righteousness from faith || Joel Snibson || Romans 4:1-25
Where do we put our trust, and how do we justify ourselves? Are your actions accounting for your ‘goodness’? You’re probably a good person! That’s all it takes, right? We’re wrapping up our look through the start of Romans today, and Joel explores the gift of righteousness Jesus offers. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Absolute Idiots. || Freedom In Jesus || Galatians 3:1-14
Paul starts this part of his letter to the Galatians calling them absolute idiots. Why such a strong telling off? Tim explores the right and wrong way to live the #blessed life.
Joy In Your Life || It’s All Rubbish || Philippians 3:1-11
If you’ve done enough “good things” in your life, you get to go to the Good Place, right? And if you haven’t done enough “good things”, then you’ll go to the Bad Place, right? God says no! The only right way to be right with God is through a relationship with Jesus. It’s not about the things that you do in your life, it’s all about Jesus. Paul, in his letter to the Philippians even says it’s not about Jesus PLUS anything. It isn’t about Jesus plus these few key things, or traditions; it’s just about putting your faith in Jesus.
If you think you’ve done too many bad things, so many that God can’t love you, to put it plainly: you are wrong. Anyone who puts their faith in Jesus can receive God’s love and forgiveness.