A new day has dawned, where Jesus has conquered sin and death. Together with Christians all over the world, today we proclaim: Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!
Who is Jesus? https://stjohnsdc.org.au/who-is-jesus/
Connect with us: https://stjohnsdc.org.au/connect/
Next Steps
➜ Our recommended free Bible App. Includes audio and text versions of the bible in many different translations and languages. https://www.bible.com/app
➜ Read Luke’s biography of Jesus for free on Bible Gateway. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke+1&version=NLT
➜ Sign up for ALPHA – a place to ask questions about Faith, Life, and Meaning. https://stjohnsdc.org.au/alpha
➜ Share your contact details with us so you can stay connected with our church. https://stjohnsdc.org.au/connect/