Mission Partners

Church on Mission || Max Sahl || Luke 15:1-7 & Hebrews 4:12-13
Here at St John’s, we support many Mission partners because we strongly believe in spreading God’s word to the wider world. This week, Max Sahl from Wycliffe Australia will show us the work they have been doing to bring God’s word to the world through Bible translations. Connect with us at ➜ Website: https://stjohnsdc.org.au ➜ Facebook: https://facebook.com/stjohnsdc ➜ Instagram: https://instagram.com/stjohnsdc
God at Work in the NT || Derek & Rosemary Snibson || 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5
If you’d like prayer updates from the Snibsons, you can sign up at CMS https://buff.ly/3ubLayr
Connect with us at
➜ Website: https://stjohnsdc.org.au
➜ Facebook: https://facebook.com/stjohnsdc
➜ Instagram: https://instagram.com/stjohnsdc
Bush Church Aid || Adrian Lane || Luke 23:32-43
At St John’s we’re passionate partners in God’s worldwide mission, and so we give, pray, and equip people for mission work locally and around the world. Today, we’re joined by Adrian Lane, from Bush Church Aid, one of our mission partner organisations….
Anglican Overseas Aid || Jo Knight || Isaiah 35:1-7 and Luke 4:16-21
At St John’s we’re passionate partners in God’s worldwide mission, and so we give, pray, and equip people for mission work locally and around the world.
Today, we’re joined by Jo Knight, who’s the CEO of Anglican Overseas Aid, one of our mission partne…
Scripture Union || Chris Helm & Jack Joynson || Jeremiah 29:1-14
Have you ever tried to tie your shoe with one hand tied behind your back? Or if you’ve ever broken your arm, or leg, you know how frustrating it can be to suddenly have restrictions on what you can do.
For our Mission Partners at Scripture Union, and t…
Prison Fellowship’s 40(+1) Years || Luke 4:14-21
At St John’s, we are passionate partners in God’s global and local mission. We believe that God loves the whole world and so we pray, give money, and equip people for mission work locally, around Australia and throughout the world. Today, we’re joined …
The Christian Dream || Wei Han Kuan || Revelation 7:9-16
What’s the end of the Christian story? That’s what Wei Han is taking a look at today, as we see in the visions of the book of Revelation.
The great Australian dream is so different to the image we see in Revelation. The Christian Dream makes a huge dif…
Nils von Kalm || Anglican Overseas Aid || Mark 5:25-34
This week we’re joined by Nils von Kalm from our Mission Partner Anglican Overseas Aid, looking at Mark 5:25-34.
We’ve been proudly supporting AOA for nearly 30 years, partnering with them to give people across the world an abundant life to the fulle…
Our Daily Bread || Bishop Kate Prowd || Matthew 6:9-13
We’re all hungry for something. Hungry for community and connection, hungry to see each other again, hungry to get back to school and hungry to return to the familiarity of routine. But what does it mean to have enough with all this hunger?
Bishop Ka…
Comfort in Distress || Brian Rosner || Malachi 3:14 18
In times of distress, it’s important for God’s people to talk to each other and to God, and remember that God knows the troubles in our lives. Brian Rosner from Ridley College brings us a timely reminder that God hears and listens when we call out to h…
Are You Ready? || Bush Church Aid || Luke 12:35-48
Bush Church Aid support churches across Australia in remote and regional areas, and we’re proud to call them our Mission Partner. Adrian Lane visits us and takes a look at what Jesus has to say about his return.
Connect with us at
➜ Website: https:…
Open House 50th Anniversary || Paul Burgess || Matthew 25:31-40
At St John’s, we’re passionate partners in God’s worldwide mission. We support organisations like Open House through prayerful and practical support, as well as financially. Paul Burgess, from Open House gives us an insight to Open House’s 50-year hist…
Open House 50th Anniversary || Jordan Wakelin || Luke 5:17-26
At St John’s, we’re passionate partners in God’s worldwide mission. We support organisations like Open House through prayerful and practical support, as well as financially. Paul Burgess, from Open House gives us an insight to Open House’s 50-year hist…
How do I live as a follower of Jesus, now that everything’s changed? || Acts 4:5–37
Josh Bartlett, from Wycliffe Bible Translators, shares from Acts chapter 4, verses 5-37. How did the followers of Jesus react and move on after Jesus left them? What can we learn from the beginnings of the church in the time of COVID?
Josh is one of ou…
Jesus’ Centrally Important Gospel Mission || CMS Link Missionaries || Luke 24:36-53
In our first Live Streamed service, we welcomed Chris and Julie Dean, our new link missionaries from CMS. Chris and Julie hope to go to Timor Leste (once the global shutdown is lifted) to bring the good news of Jesus to people there. Chris looks at Luk…
Mission Partners || The Heart of God || Luke 18:28-30
“If you take the work of God’s mission out of the Bible, all you’re left with is a front and back cover.” Kat Shields takes a look at what mission looks like and finds that for the most part, it is ordinary. An ordinary life, saturated with gospel intentionality- a commitment to building relationships modelling Jesus, and talking about faith as a natural part of conversation.
Kat is a regular member of our Sunday evening service, bringing us this talk from Luke 18.
Mission Partners || Wycliffe – Josh Bartlett || Acts 2:1-41
Wycliffe Bible Translators aim to see disciples of Jesus growing through the Scriptures available in the language that speaks to their hearts. To that end, they are actively working on translating the Bible into new languages. While there are 2,000 lan…
Mission Partners || Anglican Overseas Aid || Luke 10:25-37
As a church, we’re proud to support a number of excellent organisations across the world. We give 15% of our offerings to missions, including Anglican Overseas Aid. Their CEO, Bob Mitchell joins us, sharing about their work in Syria, as well as reflecting on the story of the Good Samaritan- asking who is our neighbour?