Talks (Page 15)

Talks (Page 15)

Click below to listen to or watch any of our past talks, or subscribe in iTunes, Spotify, or Google Podcasts

Ruth Chapter 1

The book of Ruth zooms right in on a single family, in the times when Judges ruled Israel. These were hard times for most people, and in particular, Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi. This four-week series looks at Ruth’s story, and how she finds hope in hard times.   In this episode, Tim explores Naomi’s relationship with God, and the hard truth that God gives, and takes away. How do you treat God in hard times? 

Getting Right with God

Continuing our Luke mini-series, we see Jesus tell a story about two men, praying to God. One prays loudly, basically saying “Thanks God, that I’m so great. Also, that other guy is the worst.” The second man, a tax collector, someone usually corrupt and generally not liked, prays humbly, and earnestly. Jesus says, be like him. How do we get right with God? Be humble. Kirk explains what that looks like.

Pray, and Don’t Give Up

In this talk, Kat Shields encourages us to persevere in prayer, and pray without ceasing. Jesus tells his followers a story about an unjust judge, who shows justice to a widow for his own benefit. The story is flipped on its head though, when Jesus say…

Reconciliation and Healing

At the conclusion of our Peacemakers series, we gathered together for services of reconciliation and healing, bringing teaching together with opportunities for people to deal with hurts they have been harbouring and people they have failed to forgive. …

Building a Culture of Peace

Dealing with conflict is not just a matter for individuals but a group activity that should be a marker of the church community. Jesus prays for unity and love in the church and our community should be counter-cultural in the way that we deal with conf…

Go and be Reconciled

Continuing our Peacemakers series, on how to deal with conflict, when we get to the end result of the self-examination process, and after gently raising the issue with another person we must aim to seek reconciliation. Jesus commands us to prioritise s…

Gently Restoring Others

Rather than sweeping conflict under the carpet and avoiding it we need to honestly and gently approach with other people when they have hurt or wronged us. Jesus tells us to go directly to the other person and deal with it one-on-one. This is perhaps t…

Get the Log Out of Your Eye

The starting point for dealing with conflict is to search our own hearts and lives and see what we have contributed to the problem. Jesus tell his disciples to remove the log from their own eye before they try to remove the speck from someone else’s eye. Conflict gives us an opportunity to come before God, and to ask whether there are idols in our life that are fuelling this conflict, before repenting of the areas where we are causing…

Glorify God in Conflict

While many people see conflict as simply a problem it is also an opportunity where we can bring glory to God in the way that we approach it. As Christians we want to glorify God in all that we do and conflict is no exception. David in Psalm 37 is honest about conflict but encourages trusting in God and committing our way to him in the midst of it. He warns that evildoers will face God’s judgement but that the…

The Gospel and Conflict

The second episode in our Peacemakers series identifies that dealing with conflict is a gospel issue. This is not some sideline topical issue that we may or may not want to think about but is at the heart of our everyday lives. Broken humans are in conflict with God and considered his enemies. Fortunately for us, through the cross, God brings reconciliation and restores a conflict filled, broken relationship. When we’re forgiven by Jesus, we need to apply the truth…

The Reality of Conflict

This new series looks at the reality of conflict. The Church today is the most conflict prone organisation in the world, and the most conflict adverse. This, believe it or not, should be expected! The Church brings in people with different habits, different backgrounds, different life experiences. The only common thread is Jesus. There is no criteria for goodness in the church. The Bible passage for this talk is James 4:1-3.

Do Not Worry

The final week of White (space) July addresses the lack of faith we often have when it comes to trusting God about the future. Younger generations, in particular, are put under a lot of Aussie pressure to set themselves up well for the future. Own a house, settle down, have savings, have investments, protect yourself! The Christian life brings an alternate mindset that acknowledges we are in a lot less control than we’d like to be and that that’s okay.…

Jesus, Mary & Martha

Continuing our White (space) July series, Tim takes a look at Luke 10:38-42. This is a well-known passage warning against too much work but it’s relevance only seems to be growing. It’s not that Martha is wrong to work hard, it’s that her priorities are all wrong compared to her sister who is sitting quietly at the feet of the Lord. Mary has effectively carved out some white space for herself, whilst Martha’s life is too crowded.

Jesus: Lord of the Sabath

Keen listeners will remember our White (space) Christmas series from late 2016. In God’s word, we have a powerful and repeated command to embrace Sabbath rest. Most of us at St John’s are, by our own admission, ignoring or badly failing this command. This preaching series aims to help us do rest better and, when we do, everyone in our lives (family and friends) will benefit. Most importantly, our relationship with Jesus will benefit. This week, we look at how…

The Lord’s Supper

Jesus gave us two rituals to show outwardly the grace we receive inwardly, baptism, and communion. In this mini-series, Tim looks at these sacraments, and how they display Jesus working in our lives.


Jesus gave us two rituals to show outwardly the grace we receive inwardly, baptism, and communion. In this mini-series, Tim looks at these sacraments, and how they display Jesus working in our lives.

The Vine

The finale of our I AM series, Delle Matthews concludes with Jesus referring to himself as “the vine”, and his followers as “the branches”. How do we remain in Jesus, and attached to the vine? 

The Way, The Truth, and The Life

Possibly the most well known I AM statement from Jesus. Our series continues this week to explore who Jesus says he is. We live in a “post-truth” world, but what is truth? Jesus claims to be the truth, above all.

The Resurrection and the Life

Andrew Bowles delivers his final sermon at St John’s. Jesus sits at the heart of the Christian faith, making several bold statements about himself. When Lazarus dies, Jesus mourns for his friend, but establishes and displays his power over death, stating that he is the resurrection, and the life.

The Good Shepherd

Whose voice do we listen to? In this instalment of our ‘I Am…’ series, Sam Oldland reflects on Jesus’ statement that he is ‘The Good Shepherd’, and that those who listen to him and respond are truly hearing the voice of God. From John 10:11-21.

The Gate

Continuing our I AM series, we go back to what is at the heart of the Christian faith, and examine Jesus, and his revelation of God. There are seven times in the Gospel of John where Jesus said ‘I am’, and gave a series of images that explained who he was. This week, we look at Jesus when he spoke of himself as ‘the gate’ in John 10:1-10. Tim Johnson looks at what this means, with Jesus claiming to be the exclusive way to a relationship with the God the Father.

The Light of the World

Continuing our I AM series, we go back to what is at the heart of the Christian faith, and examine Jesus, and his revelation of God. There are seven times in the Gospel of John where Jesus said ‘I am’, and gave a series of images that explained who he was. This week, we look at Jesus when he spoke of himself as ‘the light of the world’ in John 8:12-20. Sam Oldland gives us his first talk at St John’s, and looks at what this means, with Jesus as the one who sheds light on the darkness, and saves us from it.

The Bread of Life

When we go back to what is at the heart of the Christian faith, we find Jesus, and his revelation of God. There are seven times in the Gospel of John where Jesus said ‘I am’, and gave a series of images that explained who he was. The first we are looking at in this series comes from John 6:35-59, where Jesus spoke of himself as ‘the bread of life’. Tim Johnson looks at what this means, with Jesus as the one who nourishes and sustains those who believe in him.

Easter Sunday 2017

Easter Sunday is the most joyful day for the Church, as we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. But the first Easter was not joyful to start with – in fact, it was a time of confusion and fear for Jesus’ disciples. Andrew Bowles looks at Luke 24:1-12 and how the disciples came to realise that Jesus was unexpectedly alive again. How can we know today that Jesus is risen from the dead, and how will this change how we think and feel about our lives and the world around us?

Is it too late? Good Friday 2017

The Lost series has been building to this moment. The crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday marks the beginning of the most important point in all of time. But is it too late? Have you, or I strayed too far for Jesus to love and forgive? In Luke 23:32-43, a criminal, dying next to Jesus on another cross, asks Jesus to remember him when Jesus comes in His Kingdom. It wasn’t too late for that criminal, and it certainly isn’t too late for us.