Talks by Kirk Mackenzie
Kirk’s Last Talk || Ephesians 2:8-10
After 10 years at St John’s, the Mackenzie family are heading off to Plentylife where Kirk will become their Senior Minister.
In his final talk at St John’s, Kirk gets to pick his own topic, and heads out swinging reminding us of GRACE – the unearned, …
Israel Asks for a King || Flawed Leadership || 1 Samuel 8
We’ve all got stories about a bad boss. In this series, we look at Flawed Leadership in Israel’s history. What we want and ask for isn’t always in our best interest. God’s got a plan, and as hard as it can be, we need to trust Jesus’ way.
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Hard Hearts || The Kingdom of Heaven || Matthew 13:1-23
Jesus loved to talk in parabales. Using fictional stories to demonstrate real truths. This series will explore a few of these parables, with Kirk starting with the parable of the weeds.
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Where is God in Conflict? || God in the Everyday || Romans 14
Going through our daily lives, as we work, study, rest, as we disagree and face conflicts, as we go through hard times, as we interact with our natural world – God is with us in all these situations. Kirk continues our “God in the Everyday” series.
Don’t stop Forgiving || Jesus and Relationships || Matthew 18:21-35
As Christians, we believe that God designed us to live a certain way – primarily living to love God, and love other people. Believe it or not though, we don’t always do that very well. The core message of Christianity though, is that God – through the …
The Power of the Spirit || Holy Spirit || Acts 3:1-16
God’s plan for reconciliation begins with the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. In this series, we’ll look at how the Holy Spirit transformed the early church.
How did the early Church open themselves up to the work of the Spirit? Kirk brings us the co…
The Second Coming || Always Remember || 2 Peter 3
Are you waiting for something exciting? As followers of Jesus, we all are – his second coming. So far, Christians have been waiting 2,000 years, and there are certainly those who scoff at the idea of Jesus coming back. This isn’t new though; as Peter w…
Good Friday 2022 || Matthew 27
There’s been a huge amount of upheaval in the last two years, through the pandemic, but at the end of the day, the human heart hasn’t changed much since Jesus’ death and resurrection 2000 years ago.
We all present ourselves to others as slightly bette…
The Lost Sheep || The Good Shepherd || Luke 15:1-7
After hearing the theme song of the Good Shepherd over the last few weeks, today we get the big reveal as Jesus himself steps onto the stage and takes up the role of the Good Shepherd God promised to send.
But what kind of shepherd would leave 99 sheep…
The Cost & Privilege of Mission || Sent Out By Jesus || Matthew 10:32-42
What do you give up to follow Jesus? A career? Your friends? Your FAMILY? Kirk takes a look at this confronting passage, and explores the privilege it is to be on mission with Jesus.
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Launch Sunday || Acts 3:17-42
As we kick off 2022 at our Launch service, Kirk reminds us of the messiness of being a part of God’s Mission.
Praying for Wisdom || Solomon Stories || 1 Kings 3
Kirk kicks off our Summer Stories series with an intro to the second King of Israel – Solomon.
Weary || A Weary World Rejoices || Luke Luke 1:5-25
When you’re tired, you’re not at your best. You might be more irritable, or forgetful, or just plain cranky. The pandemic has left us all feeling weary, but there’s still hope in the grace of Jesus.
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Humble Prayer || Teach Us To Pray || Luke 18:9-14
Imagine attending a prayer meeting and ragging on someone else at that meeting – during your prayers. That’s exactly what one of the esteemed Jewish leaders did in this passage. Meanwhile, that other person prayed a simple prayer – just seven words lon…
Bold Prayer || Teach Us To Pray || Luke 11:5-13
We’re continuing our series on prayer with Kirk looking at bold prayer. God wants us to be in relationship with him, asking things of him, like a kid asking their dad for an egg, or a neighbour asking a friend for a favour in the middle of the night.
The Church Is Sent By Jesus || John 17 13 26
We’re experiencing a lot of change at the moment, both at St John’s and in our wider society, so it’s good to get back to the basics of what the church is.
In this series, we’ll be looking at three fundamental truths of our identity as a church; this…
Comfort || Our Deepest Desires || Matthew 5:1-12
Isn’t it nice to be comfortable?
In Our Deepest Desires we’re examining our desires for Power, Approval, Comfort and Control – and how to understand and approach them with a Godly heart.
POWER || Our Deepest Desires || Matthew 20:1-16
Scratch beneath the surface of our actions, and you quickly reveal the deeper desires that drive those actions.
This new series is all about delving into the heart of idolatry, and the variety of problems it presents to us in our life and faith. We’…
God has a WONDERFUL plan for your life || Freedom in Jesus || Galatians 4:8-20
Have you ever been told that God has a “WONDERFUL” plan for your life? Is that the whole truth though? Kirk continues our Freedom in Jesus series, looking at Paul correcting some false teaching within the Galatian church.
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Paul Calls Out Peter || Freedom In Jesus || Galatians 2:11-21
A strongly worded passage, this part of Paul’s letter to the Galatians refers to another leader in the early church – Peter (or Cephas, same person). Paul calls out Peter’s actions, as he was withdrawing from eating and interacting with those who weren…
Easter Explorations || Kirk Mackenzie || John 20:24-29
During the school holidays, we spend time asking questions about stories about Jesus or that Jesus told.
This week, Kirk thinks about “Doubting Thomas” and his interaction with the risen Jesus.
Easter Sunday || Kirk Mackenzie || John 20:1-18
Easter Sunday – and Jesus’ resurrection – elevates the Easter story from a nice tale of sacrifice, to a world-changing event with implications for everyone everywhere.
False Prophets || The Weeping Prophet || Jeremiah 23:15-32
This passage from the book of Jeremiah is basically a smackdown from God towards false prophets. Jeremiah, as a true prophet of God, received a message that was straight from God, for God’s people. Kirk takes a look at how to spot a false prophet, and …
Pleasure vs Joy || Songs of Joy || Psalm 97
Psalm 97 has a lot to say about joy. But what is joy? How is it different to pleasure? Kirk wraps up our series Songs of Joy, looking at the differences between joy and pleasure.
Blurry Vision || Summer Stories || Mark 8:22-33
Spitting isn’t great, socially. It’s pretty gross, especially in a pandemic. But when Jesus spits in his hands and rubs it into a blind man’s eyes, the blind man is healed – but only after a second attempt by Jesus. Initially, the man has blurry vision…