Talks on Luke
Following and Fishing | Delle Matthews | Luke 5:1-11
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The Authority of Jesus | Tim Johnson | Luke 4:31-44
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The Year of the Lord’s Favour | Joel Snibson | Luke 4:14-30
Despite our best wishes, not every year is a 10 out of 10 year. We often stumble into a new year after months of hardship or suffering. However, Jesus came to save the broken and the weary. So if you feel like you’re not “thriving” this new year, Joel’s talk this week will be just what you need to feel ready for this year. Connect with us at: ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Depending on God || Maddy Bialecki || Luke 4:1-13
Kick off the new year by Listening to our first sermon series of 2025, and learn how to bring your faith and relationship with God into the new year too. Connect with us at: ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:

Jesus: God’s Promise Fulfilled || Tim Johnson || Matthew 1:18-25
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Mary: God’s Great Love || Joel Snibson || Luke 2:15-20
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The Shepherds: Peace on Earth || Tim Johnson || Luke 2:8-15
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Simeon: Hope for a Saviour || Joel Snibson || Luke 2:22-35
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Church on Mission || Max Sahl || Luke 15:1-7 & Hebrews 4:12-13
Here at St John’s, we support many Mission partners because we strongly believe in spreading God’s word to the wider world. This week, Max Sahl from Wycliffe Australia will show us the work they have been doing to bring God’s word to the world through Bible translations. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Rich Rulers || Delle Matthews || Luke 18 18-30
Jesus answers, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” to a rich man asking how to enter heaven. Join us as Delle teaches how Jesus tells us to live to enter God’s Kingdom. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Children of the Kingdom || Joel Snibson || Luke 18 15-17
Jesus invites everyone, including children, to follow him. How can a young person’s faith influence your own? Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
Jesus’ Important Task for Us || Delle Matthews || Luke 24:36-49
Casper, Slimer, Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense- ghosts appear throughout pop culture and we generally accept some rules around ghosts. They can be seen and heard, but usually can’t interact with physical objects, and definitely can’t eat or drink. The idea of Ghosts goes back a long way into human history though, and in today’s passage we see the risen Jesus working to convince his disciples that he isn’t a ghost, but a fully resurrected body. Connect with us…
Teaching & Table || Joel Snibson || Luke 24:13-35
Diving into a superhero movie these days can feel disorientating. You might not have read issue 486 of The Amazing Spiderman from 1982, and so are missing some important context for the new movie! Fortunately, your nerdy friend can explain things to you as you go – filling in details and throwbacks that were, at the time, foreshadowing things that are happening now. Our passage today isn’t exactly like that, but what we do see is the risen Jesus joining…
Easter 2024 || Maddy Bialecki || Luke 24:1-12
A new day has dawned, where Jesus has conquered sin and death. Together with Christians all over the world, today we proclaim: Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Who is Jesus? Connect with us: Next Steps ➜ Our recommended free Bible App. Includes audio and text versions of the bible in many different translations and languages. ➜ Read Luke’s biography of Jesus for free on Bible Gateway. ➜ Share your contact details with us so…
Life or Death || Good Friday 2024 || Luke 23:26-49
Reflect this Good Friday on the death of Jesus. A death that brought hope and redemption. Who is Jesus? Connect with us: Next Steps ➜ Our recommended free Bible App. Includes audio and text version of the bible in many different translations and languages. ➜ Read Luke’s biography of Jesus for free on Bible Gateway. ➜ Share your contact details with us so you can stay connected with our church.
Dr Jesus || Tim Johnson || Luke 5:27-32
Who needs a doctor? The sick, or the healthy? Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:

Dr Jesus || Tim Johnson || Luke 5:27-32
Who needs a doctor? The sick, or the healthy?
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Jesus Forgives and Heals || Joel Snibson || Luke 5:17-26
Jesus’ first priority in his ministry was spiritual healing, not physical.
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Jesus Cleanses || Delle Matthews || Luke 5:12-16
Jesus is powerful enough to cleanse us. Jesus is willing enough to step down into our mess. Jesus is loving enough to invite us into his big family.
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Zechariah’s Song || Delle Matthews|| Luke 1:67-79
Have you ever thought – what I’ve done is too bad. Unforgivable. Irredeemable? Well simply put. You’d be wrong. With Christmas just around the corner, here’s your reminder that Jesus is our one true hope, and that nothing can separate us from the love …
Mary’s Song || Joel Snibson || Luke 1:46-56
It can be hard to see from our 2000 year of removal from the birth of Jesus, but his coming was the start of a revolution. Like all good revolutions, this one had an anthem in song: Mary’s song, that we find in Luke.
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Living flipped lives || Delle Matthews || Luke 19:1-10
Zacchaeus was restored, and his life flipped upside down as he responded to Jesus’ grace and mercy on him. We too are called to live changed lives of repentance, thankful to God for all he has done for us.
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Where do you put your trust? || Joel Snibson || Luke 18:35-43
With all the safety nets around us – Centrelink, the NDIS, Superannuation – it can be all too easy to slip into a pattern of self-reliance, instead of trusting in Jesus.
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Bush Church Aid || Adrian Lane || Luke 23:32-43
At St John’s we’re passionate partners in God’s worldwide mission, and so we give, pray, and equip people for mission work locally and around the world. Today, we’re joined by Adrian Lane, from Bush Church Aid, one of our mission partner organisations….
Anglican Overseas Aid || Jo Knight || Isaiah 35:1-7 and Luke 4:16-21
At St John’s we’re passionate partners in God’s worldwide mission, and so we give, pray, and equip people for mission work locally and around the world.
Today, we’re joined by Jo Knight, who’s the CEO of Anglican Overseas Aid, one of our mission partne…