Talks on Acts
I Believe Jesus Ascended || Tim Johnson || Acts 1:1-11
Today, we’re looking at the line of the Apostles’ Creed: I believe that Jesus ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. Connect with us at ➜ Website: ➜ Facebook: ➜ Instagram:
God’s Plans || Joel Snibson || Acts 28
When our plans don’t work out, and we’re faced with setbacks, it can be hard to see the path Jesus is leading us on. We’ll all ask “why God?” when we’re struck by storms, but with the help of the Spirit, we can stand firm in our faith and trust the Jes…
God’s work of Reconciliation || Tim Johnson || Acts 1:1-8
God’s gift of the Holy Spirit reconciles us to him, bringing us into relationship with our creator. Empowering us for his mission, carrying us through the quagmires and bogs of life.
The Holy Spirit also works through us for the ministry of reconciliat…
Where is God in the Storm? || Delle Matthews || Acts 27
We all face storms in our lives; seasons of uncertainty and trial. Today, we’ll look for answers to big questions we ask in these storms – Why is God letting this happen? What Good could come from this? And Where is God in all of this?
Connect with us …
Crazy Beliefs || Tim Johnson || Acts 25:23-26:32
Is it crazy to believe in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead? Are the claims of Christianity too far flung to be reasonable, justifiable, and above all, true? That’s the question Paul was asked in his ongoing legal drama that we’re following through in …
Mission in the Face of Death || Joel Snibson || Acts 25:1-22
Even in the midst of challenges and opposition, God’s calling us to lean into his plan for us, to take action and responsibility for God’s plans to happen.
Mission on Trial || Tim Johnson || Acts 24:1-27
Paul, who was Saul before he encountered the risen Jesus, was a busy man. He’s responsible for writing half of the booms found in the new testament of our bibles. The book of Acts follows his journey most closely, and today we’re picking up our long ru…
The Power of the Spirit || Holy Spirit || Acts 3:1-16
God’s plan for reconciliation begins with the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. In this series, we’ll look at how the Holy Spirit transformed the early church.
How did the early Church open themselves up to the work of the Spirit? Kirk brings us the co…
The Spirit Filled Church || Holy Spirit || Acts 2:42-47
God’s plan for reconciliation begins with the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. In this series, we’ll look at how the Holy Spirit transformed the early church.
Tim brings 5 ways the Spirit-filled church can be radically living.
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The Promised Spirit || Holy Spirit || Acts 2:14-41
God’s plan for reconciliation begins with the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. In this series, we’ll look at how the Holy Spirit transformed the early church.
Delle continues our series, looking at the foreshadowing of the Holy Spirit – ancient prophe…

Launch Sunday || Acts 3:17-42
As we kick off 2022 at our Launch service, Kirk reminds us of the messiness of being a part of God’s Mission.
How do I live as a follower of Jesus, now that everything’s changed? || Acts 4:5–37
Josh Bartlett, from Wycliffe Bible Translators, shares from Acts chapter 4, verses 5-37. How did the followers of Jesus react and move on after Jesus left them? What can we learn from the beginnings of the church in the time of COVID?
Josh is one of ou…
Jack Joynson || Acts 3:1-10
This week, Jack Joynson debuts his first talk as he explores a story from the book of Acts and how we might relate in many different ways to some very different characters.
Plot & Power || The Church on Mission || Acts 23:12-35
This week, Tim is back to present how God’s will can be realised through different means and how we see this in the story of Paul in the book of Acts.
Argument & Brawl || The Church on Mission || Acts 22:30-23:11
This week, Kirk considers Paul’s provocative actions in the book of Acts as Paul finds himself in a meeting with the both the Pharisees and the Sadducees, two groups of Jewish leaders with different views.
Language & Stories || The Church on Mission || Acts 21:37-22:29
Mission requires us to speak about our experience as Christians to people from all walks of life, all with different prior experience, whether that’s on the other side of the world, in your local community, or anywhere in between.
This week, Tim return…
A Change of Culture || The Church on Mission || Acts 21:17-36
Mission is not just going overseas to share Jesus with different cultures but it can start right where you’re at. Even by sharing your faith at work, school, or home you are participating in God’s mission.
Today marks Andi’s first talk and the return o…
Christianity Explored || Episode 6 || What’s Next
Episode 6 of Christianity Explored.
The finale of this series, exploring the life of Jesus, his death and resurrection, today Andy and Tim look at how a decision to follow Jesus impacts your life here and now. The bible says that those who believe and …
Translating the Bible || David Blackman || Acts 11:19-26
The importance of those who encourage in the church is often understated. However, whether it’s mentoring new leaders or encouraging those exploring the Christian faith, these ‘encouragers’ are vital to the growth of the church.
This week’s episode fea…
I am a Man or a Woman || Who Am I? || Acts 8:26-39
The topic of gender can be both a complicated and sensitive subject. After all, it forms a key part of many people’s identity. This week, Tim is back to tackle some difficult questions. What does the bible have to say about gender and how is it still r…
The Church On Mission || This Way or That? || Acts 21:1-17
When making a decision, Christians often look for a sign from the Holy Spirit; a prompting, or a miraculous sign clearly saying “YES, GO THIS WAY”.
Even Paul though, facing a decision to return to Jerusalem, experienced the Spirit both encouraging him…
The Church On Mission || Opposition & Goodbyes || Acts 20:1-12
In this section of Acts, Paul is compelled by the Spirit to end his journey through the ancient world by returning to Jerusalem, where he doesn’t know what will happen to him, other than he has been prompted that prison and hardships are waiting for hi…
The Church On Mission || Idols & Riots || Acts 19:23-41
This passage in Acts is real history, with real people, and real events in time – a good reminder that the bible is about real people, and it is a historical account. But what do we do with this story? How do we learn from it and what can we take away …
The Church On Mission || Miracles & Repentance || Acts 19:11-22
During Paul’s journey through Asia Minor (Turkey) and Greece, he spent a long time in specific places – two years in Ephesus alone. While he was there, he would have worked his trade, making tents. The people of Ephesus, believing so strongly in the go…
The Church On Mission || Baptism & The Spirit || Acts 19:1-10
This episode launches our new series, The Church on Mission, following Paul as he travels around Greece and Asia Minor in the first century, commonly referred to as his 3rd Missionary Journey. Kirk gives us an introduction to reading Acts, unpacking ho…
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