Talks (Page 10)

Talks (Page 10)

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Hope || In the Valley || Psalm 27

Hope. Through all the Valley emotions in this series, hope remains. The state of mind that something good might happen, or something bad might not happen. Through the bible, we see an ultimate hope in Jesus – the belief that something good WILL happen….

Despair || In the Valley || Psalm 88

This is a tough topic. We believe that God has something to speak into all the circumstances of our life, including fun times and tough times.  Through this series, we’re dealing with difficult emotions. In this episode, we look at despair. Tim encoura…

Guilt || In the Valley || Psalm 38

Do you feel guilty about buying things you don’t need? Or about drinking too much on the weekend? Maybe sugar and chocolate is your guilty pleasure. What does the bible tell us about feelings of guilt? Julie continues our In the Valley series, looking …

Anger || In the Valley || Psalm 137

The imagery of ‘anger’ is often fire – burning with anger, smouldering with anger, anger flaring up inside us. There’s always a spark to it as well, something that sets us off. Do you get irritated, annoyed, or frustrated? Don’t we all. Tim continues o…

Fear || In the Valley || Psalm 56

There are many ways the Bible approaches the feeling of fear – too many to fit in one talk, in fact – whether it’s a helpful caution or a reverent fear or an irrational anxiety. This week, Kirk bring us one of these examples from the book of Psalms as …

Grief || In the Valley || Psalm 6

As the first of the year, this new series – In the Valley – focuses on various “negative” emotions we might face in life, and where we might find biblical examples of some of these feelings. This week, Tim shines a light on grief and its relation to lo…

Jack Joynson || Acts 3:1-10

This week, Jack Joynson debuts his first talk as he explores a story from the book of Acts and how we might relate in many different ways to some very different characters.

Rod of Jesse || O Come, O Come || Isaiah 11:1-10

The Sunday before Christmas, Tim concludes our series O Come O Come Emmanuel. This talk looks at the verse of the carol calling Jesus “Rod of Jesse”, as seen in the prophecy from Isaiah. Images of despair and destruction precede the passage read in thi…

Dayspring || O Come, O Come || Isaiah 9:2-7

O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheerOur spirits by Thine advent hereDisperse the gloomy clouds of nightAnd death’s dark shadows put to flight. The carol O Come O Come features names of Jesus from prophecies hundreds of years before his birth. This w…

Emmanuel || O Come, O Come || Isaiah 7:10-17

Advent is again upon us, and this year, these four Sundays leading us to Christmas will be spent exploring the various names given to Jesus in the popular Christmas carol: O Come, O Come Emmanuel. This week, Kirk kicks off our Advent series by looking …

Local Missions Expo || Mark 5:1-20

This week, Julie brings us a story from the book of Mark, of the freedom that comes through mission, and invites three guests to talk about their experiences with different parts of local mission.

Thanksgiving 2019 || Luke 17:11-19

This week, St John’s celebrates its 152nd birthday and as is tradition, we spend the time giving thanks to God for all he has done in the past year. Also, Tim brings us a story from Luke that highlights the importance of thanksgiving.

A Seeker || Jesus vs… || Mark 12:28-34

What does it mean to be a Christian in this day and age? Sometimes we can complicate the answer when it can easily be summed up in one word: love. But for such a common and meaningful word, “love” can be vague. So what does it really mean? This week, T…

The Sadducees || Jesus vs… || Mark 12:18-27

Death is inevitable, whether we often think about it or not, and that can be troubling. But have any of us got reason to believe there is more to life than just our physical existence? And if so, how confident can we really be? This week, Tim brings us…

The Pharisees || Jesus vs… || Mark 12:13-17

No one really enjoys paying tax. Some of us don’t mind, but tax is generally regarded as a “necessary evil” in our modern society. In Jesus’ time, however, tax served as a harsh reminder of foreign rule – of Roman occupation. This week, Tim continues t…

A Spectacular Love || Tim Foster || 1 Corinthians 13

Our Bible reading for this episode is a famous one. It’s one of the most well-known passages on love and you’ve most likely heard it at a wedding at some point. This week, our talk comes from guest speaker and Vice-Principal of Ridley College, Tim Fost…

Elijah and King Ahaziah || Spring Sagas || 2 Kings 1

Continuing our storytelling series on the prophet Elijah, we jump forward to the book of 2 Kings as King Ahab is succeeded by his son, Ahaziah. This week, Kirk, aided by Jack and Lachie, tell the story of an injured king and his reliance on false gods,…