Talks (Page 9)

Talks (Page 9)

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Advocate | Spirit of Truth | John 14:15-24

When our hearts are troubled, where can we go for comfort? In John 14, we see Jesus preparing his followers for a time when he will leave them, when they’ll feel alone and abandoned, frightened and anxious. Jesus tells them “do not let your hearts be t…

For Society || Back to the New Future || Matthew 4:12-17

As we finish our Back to the New Future series, Julie looks back into history, at times when God’s people faced hardship and pandemics. In Matthew 4:12-17, Jesus experienced some darkness – his friend and cousin John the baptist had been imprisoned, and would go on to be executed. The darkness we experience allows the light and glory of God to be the most evident. A dark backdrop lets light shine the brightest.

The God Who Keeps Promises || Julie Blinco || 2 Corinthians 2:5-17

What do you smell like? One of Julie’s coworkers (who’ll remain nameless) thinks that coriander smells like hate. And he’s totally right. It’s awful. So why does Paul, in his letter 2 Corinthians suggest that to some, the good news of Jesus smells like…

Light and Darkness || Easter Sunday || Matthew 28:1-10

The smallest light can illuminate a whole room. With the darkness all around us, especially in the midst of COVID-19, it’s important to remember the light of Jesus. His death and resurrection brings light into our world, and when the darkness seems its…

Dark Times || Good Friday || Matthew 27:33-50

We’re living in dark times. First responders, healthcare workers and others all face that darkness head-on, so others don’t have to. In times like this, we need people willing to sacrifice their own comfort and safety to face the darkness on behalf of …

Who Is This Man || Palm Sunday || Matthew 21:1-11

Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem a week before his death was not the triumphant royal parade many of his followers expected. He rode in, not on a war chariot, but a donkey. Many asked then, and continue to ask now – “Who is this man?”. Julie explores who Jesu…

Coronavirus || In The Valley || Psalm 103

With the increasing restrictions on day-to-day life, many of us are missing and grieving the loss of being together. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been going through a series – In The Valley – looking at ‘valley’ emotions, those difficult emot…