Who Am I?
I am a Groaning Person || Who Am I? || Romans 8:18-30
Over the past eight weeks we have looked at different aspects of our identity as followers of Jesus. But despite our new identity in Christ, not everything has been resolved. We still groan as we experience the effect sin has on both ourselves and th…
I am a Man or a Woman || Who Am I? || Acts 8:26-39
The topic of gender can be both a complicated and sensitive subject. After all, it forms a key part of many people’s identity. This week, Tim is back to tackle some difficult questions. What does the bible have to say about gender and how is it still r…
I am a Child of God || Who Am I? || Galatians 3:26-4:7
We all lean on something. Whether it’s a job or a relationship, a hobby or even our own moral compass. These things are often great influences on our lives but how can we truly lean away from these things and begin to fully trust God, even in the hard …
I am in Christ || Who Am I? || Romans 8:1-17
Through this series, we’ve seen how we as humans are made in God’s image, how we’re whole people with thoughts, emotions and a conscience, but also how there is a brokenness about humanity, and regardless of our race, nationality, age and gender, we ar…
I am a Free Person || Who Am I? || John 8:31-36
I’ve got to break free, I’ve got to break free! – Queen, I Want To Break Free
‘Cause I need freedom now and I need to know how, to live my life as it’s meant to be – Mumford and Sons, The Cave
So what is freedom? What does it mean to break free? Is fre…
I am a Fallen Person || Who Am I? || Genesis 3
Are humans basically good, or basically bad? In the opening chapters of the bible, we see God create humanity, and proclaim them to be “very good”, and yet just two chapters later, we see Adam and Eve fall into temptation and eat from the tree of the k…
I am a Whole Person || Who Am I? || Psalm 84
There is more to a person than just the physical impulses. Science would say that you and your personality, your memories, your decisions, are nothing more than electrical signals in your brain, reacting with nerve cells and molecules. The bible though…
I am Made in God’s Image || Who Am I? || Genesis 1:26-31
What sets humanity apart from the animals? God made humans and animals; he gave them life. But humanity is importantly said to be made in the image of God. What does that mean? Can we find the image of God in the differences between humans and animals?…
I am a Created Person || Who Am I? || Genesis 2:4-7
This week begins a new series, running through the next 10 weeks, asking the questions “Who Am I?”. Throughout this series, we’ll be looking at passages from the entire story of the Bible, beginning this week with creation in Genesis.
Fundamentally, wh…