White(space) Chirstmas

White(space) Chirstmas

Christmas Eve 2017 – The Wait is Over

  On Christmas Eve, Tim Johnson reminds us that while the world is still not all as it should be, because of the birth of Jesus we are no longer waiting for God to act to bring salvation and justice to us.

White (space) Christmas – Give More

Our third topic in the ‘White (space) Christmas’ series is ‘Give More’. How can we be truly generous at Christmas, a time that demands so much from us already? We find help in the story of the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25), who was ‘God with us’, the greatest gift ever given.

White (space) Christmas – Spend Less

This week in the lead up to Christmas we consider the greatest threat to ‘white space’ at this time of year – the demands of spending and keeping up with the obligations of the festive season. This can reveal to us our ’slavery’ to money and its place in our lives.

White (space) Christmas – Worship Fully

In our month leading up to Christmas, we are thinking about how we can celebrate this season in a way that honours the meaning of Jesus’s birth. Tim Johnson looks at why we need to create ‘white space’ in order to see what is important, and how to focus on worshipping Jesus in our whole lives.