Talks on Matthew (Page 2)

Talks on Matthew (Page 2)

For Society || Back to the New Future || Matthew 4:12-17

As we finish our Back to the New Future series, Julie looks back into history, at times when God’s people faced hardship and pandemics. In Matthew 4:12-17, Jesus experienced some darkness – his friend and cousin John the baptist had been imprisoned, and would go on to be executed. The darkness we experience allows the light and glory of God to be the most evident. A dark backdrop lets light shine the brightest.

Light and Darkness || Easter Sunday || Matthew 28:1-10

The smallest light can illuminate a whole room. With the darkness all around us, especially in the midst of COVID-19, it’s important to remember the light of Jesus. His death and resurrection brings light into our world, and when the darkness seems its…

Dark Times || Good Friday || Matthew 27:33-50

We’re living in dark times. First responders, healthcare workers and others all face that darkness head-on, so others don’t have to. In times like this, we need people willing to sacrifice their own comfort and safety to face the darkness on behalf of …

Who Is This Man || Palm Sunday || Matthew 21:1-11

Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem a week before his death was not the triumphant royal parade many of his followers expected. He rode in, not on a war chariot, but a donkey. Many asked then, and continue to ask now – “Who is this man?”. Julie explores who Jesu…

An Intergenerational Community

Kirk continues unpacking our new church vision, Vision 2022, looking at our desire to be an intergenerational community. Jesus asks his followers, “Who is my mother, and who is my brother?”. As Christians, we are all a part of God’s family, and should treat each other as such. Doing life together, with people from generations outside of your own, can be one of the best examples of Christian life. The bible reading for this talk is Matthew 12:46-50.

Go and be Reconciled

Continuing our Peacemakers series, on how to deal with conflict, when we get to the end result of the self-examination process, and after gently raising the issue with another person we must aim to seek reconciliation. Jesus commands us to prioritise s…

Gently Restoring Others

Rather than sweeping conflict under the carpet and avoiding it we need to honestly and gently approach with other people when they have hurt or wronged us. Jesus tells us to go directly to the other person and deal with it one-on-one. This is perhaps t…

Get the Log Out of Your Eye

The starting point for dealing with conflict is to search our own hearts and lives and see what we have contributed to the problem. Jesus tell his disciples to remove the log from their own eye before they try to remove the speck from someone else’s eye. Conflict gives us an opportunity to come before God, and to ask whether there are idols in our life that are fuelling this conflict, before repenting of the areas where we are causing…
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