St John’s Kids (Page 5)

St John’s Kids – 28 June 2020

 SUNDAY 28 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Today, we have two Live Q&A services, with different panels at 9:30am and 6:00pm. Kids (and adults), do you have a question about anything we have been learning this term? Or a general question about faith, the bible, or being friends with Jesus? Now is your time to have them answered! Text your questions to 0490 453 293. (You do not have to wait for the service to begin to send…

St John’s Kids – 21 June 2020

SUNDAY 21 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 7:2-16 shows that experiencing sadness over areas of our lives can be good, as it was for the early believers in Corinth, if it leads us to turn away from our wrong behaviour and ask God for forgiveness. Join in our kid’s song today, Before I Go, I Stop – a celebration of obedience, prayer and being alive in Christ. To keep hands busy while listening to Tim’s talk,…

St John’s Kids – Service Participation Request

Hi families! To celebrate all that God has done for us over the past term, one of our school holiday services will contain lots of creative elements. It would be wonderful to be able to put together a slideshow of some of the things the kids have been up to during the services and family devotion activities. What has stood out to you? Have you particularly enjoyed the kids’ songs and have photos of dancing, singing, or instrument playing Perhaps…

St John’s Kids – 14 June 2020

  SUNDAY 14 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 warns us against following the ways of non-believers and joining ourselves to things of this world (idols) and encourages us to live lives devoted to God and his ways. Today’s kid’s song True North reminds us that Jesus should be our guide, our compass, in life. Included in today’s service is an announcement about Going Bananas! We will also be sharing Communion in the service today,…

St John’s Kids – 07 June 2020

SUNDAY 7 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 6:3-13 lists some of the hardships that Paul faced, but with God’s Holy Spirit he was able to do so with a good attitude. God wants us to face the challenges in our lives with the same attitude and reliance on him. Today’s kid’s song Never Be Shaken reminds us that even when things around us are uncertain, God is our strength and shield. To keep hands busy while…

St John’s Kids – 31 May 2020

 SUNDAY 31 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Today is Pentecost – a celebration of the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples and new believers in Jesus. Today’s passage reminds us that when we believe in Jesus, we also receive his gift of the Holy Spirit, and we become a new creation. We no longer live for ourselves, but for Christ. Join in with the actions today as we sing One Way and celebrate that Jesus is the one…

St John’s Kids – 24 May 2020

SUNDAY 24 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Sometimes our bodies do not work exactly how we would like them to. It may because of a broken arm after falling off the monkey bars, or because of sickness or a medical condition. And, as we grow older our bodies become frailer and more susceptible to breakage and disease. Last week’s passage reminded us that despite, or even because of, our weaknesses and flaws, God can use us to shine…

St John’s Kids – 17 May 2020

SUNDAY 17 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Sometimes we can feel too young, too old, too ordinary, not wise enough, or that we have made too many mistakes to be of use to God. This week’s passage, 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, shows us that God uses us as we are, and it is because of our imperfections that his power and glory can shine. Get your voice ready and a torch to shine for our kid’s song this week,…

ST JOHN’S KIDS – 10 MAY 2020

SUNDAY 10 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. In the bible, we see God shown as three different ‘persons’ – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. After Jesus died and rose again, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe, so that we can have a relationship with God always. The Holy Spirit frees us from old laws and rituals and gives us new life in Christ. Because…

St John’s Kids – 03 May 2020

SUNDAY 3 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. In our reading this week, Paul focuses on the importance of forgiveness and that Christians smell 😮 The world is full of smells, both good and bad.  We smell stinky, yuk! to those who do not want to accept God and his way of life. But we smell sweetly to those who want to know more about God. To be a pleasing aroma to God, we need to follow the…

St John’s Kids – 26 April 2020

SUNDAY 26 APRIL Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. This week our topic is The God who Keeps Promises. We sometimes keep promises that we make, but not always. Sometimes we break our promises because of our own behaviour, or because of circumstances beyond our control. However, God always keeps his promises. And Jesus is the number one way he has fulfilled so many of his promises. Keep that in mind and join in with actions and voices as…

St John’s Kids Midweek – 22 April 2020

Hi Kids! Something different this week. I thought I’d put my face in front of you for a change, instead of just writing to you. And, I’ve set you a midweek task to comfort others, as the God of all Comfort would have us do. And you can look forward to some video teaching from Margaret this coming weekend!     [mc4wp_form id=”5448″]

St John’s Kids – 19 April 2020

SUNDAY 19 APRIL Today’s service: Access our live stream services here. Sue will be introducing a new kids’ song this week, True North, reminding us that Jesus is our compass, not the circumstances of the world around us. We start our Term 2 sermon series this week, looking at God’s strength in our weakness. This week, we are focussing on the God of all Comfort. Have your bibles open at 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 While you listen to the talk: Younger…

St John’s Kids – Easter Day

Sunday 12 April – Easter Day Today’s service: Access our 10:00am live stream service here. He is Risen! The fact that Jesus died, rose again and is alive today is fundamental to our Christian faith. He is the living king and everyone who trusts in Jesus will one day live with him forever! Our kids’ song today celebrates this Good News so either grab an instrument or keep your hands free to join in with the actions! And, get out…

St John’s Kids – Good Friday

Friday 10 April – Good Friday Today’s service: Access our 10:00am live stream service here. Today we commemorate the saddest day of the Easter Week, the day Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. Sometimes we may want to shield our children from the sad side of Easter, but if we want our children to truly know the JOY of the resurrection, we must also let them experience some of the sadness. And, in this strange world of physical…

Passover Meal

Originally, we were planning to host a Passover picnic at the church. Adapting to the changing world around us, we now encourage you to participate within your own homes on Maundy Thursday (9 April). This outline has been prepared to be accessible to families with children. Feel free to adapt it to fit your own circumstances. Passover is one of the oldest and most important of Jewish religious festivals. It was during the Passover festival that Jesus washed his disciples’…

St John’s Kids – 05 April 2020

Sunday 5 April – Palm Sunday Access our live stream services here. Our kids’ song this week is Hosanna Rock. Before the service, head into your garden and find a big leaf or small branch that you can use to wave as we sing and celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Activities to keep hands busy while listening to Julie’s talk … Colouring Craft: To recreate the entry scene, print out these three pages – Jesus & Donkey, Palm Leaves,…

St John’s Kids – 29 March 2020

Hi parents, I hope you all found your way to the livestream last week. Please let us know if you are having any difficulties. This week, Sunday 29 March: In more than one of the Psalms, we are encouraged to make a joyful noise to the Lord, rejoicing and praising him. So, don’t be put off at the thought of not having a whole congregation around you – get the kids to grab an instrument and join in the worship…

St John’s Kids – 22 March 2020

Hi parents, By now you may have received our church email or seen a Facebook post explaining the decision to suspend our in-person services and activities. If you have not yet read/watched Tim’s message, click here. We believe it is important to try to maintain spiritual rhythms, so this Sunday we will be live-streaming both our 9:30am and 6pm services. You can set reminders for your service of choice here. What this means for St John’s Kids will evolve over…

St John’s Kids Launch & Picnic

Hi families, 2020 is up and running! Kids are returning to, or starting, kinder/school and that means … St John’s Kids is resuming this weekend, Sunday 2 February, at our 9:30am and 6:00pm services. Completion of a Registration Form is required for participation in our programs. The good news is … this year we’ve gone digital! So, between now and Sunday, please take a moment to fill it in here. To further kick-start the term, on Sunday 16 February, you…

Baptism Service this week

  Dear Parents, This Sunday is our Baptism Service at Sunday@6 and we don’t want the kids to miss it! Because of the significance of baptism in the Christian journey of faith we feel it is important that the St John’s Kids remain in the service to hear the testimonies of the participants and to witness this outward sign of inward commitment to Jesus. There will be activity sheets available for our youngest members, if they need something to keep…

St John’s Kids Launch

Hi families, 2019 is up and running, kids are returning to, or starting, kinder/school and that means … St John’s Kids is resuming this weekend – Sunday 3 February, at our 9:30am and 6:00pm services. If you would like to avoid the juggle of filling in start-of-year registration forms on arrival, please print and complete this form for each child and bring with you. To further kick-start the term, you are invited to a Church Picnic at Peppers Paddock, 7 Kangaroo Ground-Wattle…

Teaching Children to Pray

  Hi families, Over the past three weeks, St John’s Kids at the 9:30am service have been exploring a series on Prayer. If you missed out on receiving the Prayer resource handed out to families, go to a different service, or just prefer a digital copy, please click on the applicable link(s): Teaching Children to Pray, 2-6 yrs Teaching Children to Pray, 7-11yrs (Please excuse the formatting of the PDFs. It’s designed to be a two-sided tri-fold booklet, not a…

Picnic this Sunday

Hi families, You are invited to a picnic lunch at Peppers Paddock, 7 Kangaroo Ground-Wattle Glen Rd. Wattle Glen, after the morning service this Sunday (18 Nov). All Welcome! BYO picnic (there are also BBQ facilities) and chairs/picnic rug etc. Note: The church Hall & Foyer will be the backup plan if the weather is inclement, but at this stage we’re expecting perfect picnic weather!

Long Weekend Kids’ Programs

Dear St John’s Parents, It’s a long weekend! Hopefully that means you all get to sit back and relax a bit at some stage. If you are wondering whether we run our kids’ programs on long weekends, the answer is YES! At both the 9:30am and Sunday@6 services, there is teaching and activities planned. So unless you are away for the weekend, please come and join us as usual.