Hi parents,
By now you may have received our church email or seen a Facebook post explaining the decision to suspend our in-person services and activities. If you have not yet read/watched Tim’s message, click here.
We believe it is important to try to maintain spiritual rhythms, so this Sunday we will be live-streaming both our 9:30am and 6pm services. You can set reminders for your service of choice here.
What this means for St John’s Kids will evolve over the coming weeks.
This week, Sunday 20 March
There will be a kids’ song in the opening bracket of the 9:30am service, so please encourage your kids to join you for that worship time, and if you have shakers/bells at home, have them ready!
We will be interviewing our new CMS link missionaries, Chris & Julie Dean. Have an Atlas on hand to show your kids where Timor Leste is located.
Have paper and pens/pencils ready and ask your kids to draw something that stands out to them during the interview or talk.
If you are not in the regular habit of praying with your kids, I encourage you to start incorporating this into your routine. Here are a couple of resources to help get you started or to give you some new ideas. (You may like to print these as the formatting is designed as a two-sided tri-fold booklet, not a digital resource) :
Teaching Children to Pray, for Parents, 2-6yo
Teaching Children to Pray, for Parents, 7-11yo
Talk to your kids about COVID-19. Currently, knowledge in children seems to range from completely laid back, to dread. Kids need to have some awareness, if for no other reason than to practice good hygiene. But, there’s a lot of sensationalist media out there, leading to rising levels of anxiety and panic. Find out what your kids have heard and how they feel, and address where they are at with reliable information appropriate to their age level. Many schools have provided families with information about talking to their kids, but if you haven’t received anything and need some advice, have a look at these articles:
How to talk to your kids about COVID-19
Helping kids stay calm amidst COVID-19
And, if you like to watch YouTube videos together:
Coronavirus Explained! by Dr Michelle Dickinson aka Nanogirl
A Message for Kids about Coronavirus by Go! Church Curriculum
Remember, the church is not a building, it is its people. Wherever and however we continue to meet, God is our rock, our strength and hope.
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