SUNDAY 7 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 6:3-13 lists some of the hardships that Paul faced, but with God’s Holy Spirit he was able to do so with a good attitude. God wants us to face the challenges in our lives with the same attitude and reliance on him. Today’s kid’s song Never Be Shaken reminds us that even when things around us are uncertain, God is our strength and shield. To keep hands busy while listening to Tim’s talk today:
- Older Kids – Make a list of the hardships that Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 6:3-13. Next to that, list some of the emotions you might feel if you went through similar situations. Finally, make a note of the emotions and attitudes that Paul shows. Extra: Colouring, Wordfind.
Family Devotion Time: After/Before your service of choice, or at a time that best suits you during the day, watch Emma’s talk …
- What do you find difficult in your life? (Kids – sharing toys? Adults – workplace dynamics? Both – not being able to see family/friends during ISO? Other?)
- How do you react to these situations? How do they make you feel?
Remember …
- When we go through hard times, God is always with us. This does not mean that God will take the hardships away, but he will help us cope with them and help us to react well to them, if we ask him to.
- God uses hardships in our lives to help us grow to be more like Jesus – more patient, wiser, kinder.
Has there been a time that you have been able to help someone because you have been through a similar situation and understand what they are going through? Pray together …
- Thank God that he is always with us, through his gift of the Holy Spirit
- Say sorry for the times when you rely on your own strength, instead of his
- Ask him to help you to rely on him always – in the good times and in times of difficulty
- Ask him to use difficult situations to make you grow to be more like Jesus (specify areas in which you would like to grow – e.g. If you want to become more patient, ask!)
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