Today’s service:
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In the bible, we see God shown as three different ‘persons’ – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. After Jesus died and rose again, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe, so that we can have a relationship with God always.
The Holy Spirit frees us from old laws and rituals and gives us new life in Christ. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can rejoice that Jesus is in our lives today. Our kids’ song this week celebrates that Jesus In My Life is something worth singing and even screaming about!
To keep hands busy while listening to Kirk’s talk today:
- The bible describes the Holy Spirit in lots of ways – like a fire, wind, dove, river, fountain. Draw a picture of what the Holy Spirit looks like to you. Don’t forget to share your activities with us by sending to
- Younger Kids – some links to colouring pages connected to this passage: 1, 2, 3.
- Older Kids – You may like the first of the colouring pages too, as well as this Word Search. Find a verse in the bible passage that stands out to you. You will need to wait until after the service to practice this week’s memorisation tip … Say the Verse Under Water! No, you do not need to sick your head in a bucket. Say the verse out loud, rubbing your fingers across your lips as you do. This should make your words sound a little like they are being spoken underwater. Encourage mum and dad to have a go too. Try it in slow-mo and have a go super-fast as well.
We will be including Communion in the service today, so have some bread and wine/juice ready if you wish to partake.
Family Devotion Time:
After/Before your service of choice, or at a time that best suits you during the day, watch Margaret’s talk …
Discussion Ideas:
Ask, Do you ever need help? Help your child list ways they need help each day. Let them know the things you need help with too.
Talk about the ways the Holy Spirit helps us when we accept God into our lives:
- helps our hearts feel better when we are sad. John 14:16-18
- helps us be brave when we are scared. 2 Timothy 1:7
- helps us pray when we do not know what to say. Romans 8:26
- helps us understand the Bible. I Corinthians 2:8-10
- helps us know God’s love. Romans 5:5
- helps us speak the truth. 1 Corinthians 2:13
Discuss how you would like the Holy Spirit to help you today.
Pray together:
Thank you, God, for sending the Holy Spirit to live in me, to guide and help me. I open up my heart to you and invite you to fill me up. Please help me understand the Bible and to love people like Jesus did. Help me to pray, and to sing, and to live my life doing what you want me to do. Put your joy in my heart and let it bubble over. Amen.
Further Activities:
Did you enjoy Margaret’s demonstration? Want to have a bit of science fun? Take your pick from these simple and fun vinegar and baking soda experiments.
Have fun! ?
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