Dear Parents,
This Sunday is our Baptism Service at Sunday@6 and we don’t want the kids to miss it!
Because of the significance of baptism in the Christian journey of faith we feel it is important that the St John’s Kids remain in the service to hear the testimonies of the participants and to witness this outward sign of inward commitment to Jesus.
There will be activity sheets available for our youngest members, if they need something to keep their hands busy while listening.
In preparation, take this opportunity to chat to your kids about baptism. Ask them what they think it is all about and invite them to ask questions. Talk to your kids about your own faith journey.
Please be aware that, because of the personal nature of testimonies, it may be possible that topics of a sensitive nature be mentioned. Be prepared to have follow up, age appropriate, conversations if you feel there may have been something said that could have impacted your child.
See you on Sunday!
Image by Cristian Palmer from Unsplash
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