St John’s Kids – 17 May 2020

St John’s Kids – 17 May 2020


Today’s service:

Access our streamed services here.

Sometimes we can feel too young, too old, too ordinary, not wise enough, or that we have made too many mistakes to be of use to God. This week’s passage, 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, shows us that God uses us as we are, and it is because of our imperfections that his power and glory can shine.

Get your voice ready and a torch to shine for our kid’s song this week, Let Your Light Shine.

To keep hands busy while listening to Tim’s talk today:

  • Find an old jar, cardboard box or plastic container. Decorate it by gluing pieces of cellophane, tissue paper, coloured paper, wrapping paper or even old newspaper to it.
  • Younger Kids – What is most precious to you? It might be a special toy or book, or someone you love. Draw a picture and put it in your decorated container. You could also draw something you could do to make Jesus known to others and add that to your container.
  • Older Kids – Find a verse from today’s passage that stands out to you. Write it out and put it in your decorated container. You could add verses that you have been collecting over the past few weeks. What words remind you about the truths and promises of God? Write them and add them too.
  • Extra activities: Colouring pages 1, 2, 3. Wordsearch.

Family Devotion Time:

After/Before your service of choice, or at a time that best suits you during the day, watch Emma’s talk …

Discussion Ideas:

  • What do you think are some of your weaknesses? (Parents, make sure you share your weaknesses too.)
  • Are there things you wish you could do better?
  • Have other people ever made you feel bad about things you can’t do well?
  • How does it make you feel to know that God can use you, just as you are?
  • Have a think about some of the well-known characters in the bible. Can you think of what some of their weaknesses might have been? Did you know … Abraham was very old, David was very young, Moses was not a good speaker, Zacchaeus was very short, Gideon was afraid, Jonah tried to run away from God, Paul (the writer of this passage) persecuted Christians! Can you think of any others? God used all of these people in big ways.
  • Has there been a time when you have seen God’s power at work in your life? Perhaps a time when you’ve been able to do something you wouldn’t normally have been able to do without God’s help. When we give credit to God for those things, and when we love others and live the way God wants us to, people can see God’s treasure in us.

Pray together that God would fill us with his treasure and use the opportunity of our weaknesses to shine his strength and glory to others.




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