'onlineyouthevent' Tagged Posts
YOUTH UNITE Live-stream Link for TONIGHT!!
Hey Parents, The Youth Unite Team has been busy getting prepared for a live-streamed Youth Unite Q & A event! It’s been such a bummer not being able to meet for Youth Unite in person since Term 1 this year. We’re hoping this event will be an opportunity for youth to still experience the unity they have with other young believers in the area. Details: TONIGHT! Friday 22nd October 7.30 – 8.30 pm Click here to access the live stream! What…
Online Youth Event: Mafia + Games Night – THIS FRIDAY!
Hey Parents, Our Online Mafia + other games night is THIS FRIDAY! Details: Friday, 27th August 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 7-12 (Or equivalent) RSVP is essential, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the ZOOM meeting. Therefore, we suggest your youth uses their own email to register. If your youth is new to St John’s Youth or you haven’t yet given us permission for ‘Online Group Communication’ you must do this before the…
Online Escape Room: This Friday!
Hey Parents, Our Online Escape Room is THIS FRIDAY! We’ll be getting together on ZOOM for a fun night of hanging out and working together to get out of an online escape room! Just like a real-life escape room you will find clues and work through puzzles as a team to try and escape before your time runs out. This is a great event to invite your mates to! Details: Friday, 7th May 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 7-12…
Youth Part of God’s Mission + Online Escape Room
Hello parents, Our first time as ‘Youth part of God’s Mission’ is next Sunday! As St John’s Youth we will be practically loving the current participants of the Alpha course being run by St John’s. Alpha will be having their final meeting together, talking about what church is. As a group, we’re going to prepare them some yummy food and decorate the room to help them celebrate the end of the course. We think this will be a great opportunity to…
Creative night – THIS FRIDAY!
Hey Parents, Our creative night is THIS FRIDAY! We’ll be spending time hanging out, playing creative games, and exploring how we can get creative in our relationship with Jesus – all via ZOOM! Whether your youth is the next Picasso or struggles to draw a stick figure this event is for them! All they need is a pen, 10 pieces of blank paper (these can even be scrap paper with something on the other side), and an open mind to…
Hey Parents, Our YouTube watch party is THIS FRIDAY! Details: Friday, 23rd October 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 6-12 (Year 6’s are welcome to all Term 4 youth events!) RSVP is essential, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the ZOOM meeting. Therefore, we suggest your youth uses their own email to register. If you’re new to St John’s Youth OR haven’t yet given us permission for ‘Online Group Communication’ you must do…
Hey Parents, Our next youth event is coming up in just three weeks! We’ll be getting together for a fun night of YouTube watching and hanging out – all via ZOOM! Details: Friday, 23rd October 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 6-12 (Year 6’s are welcome to all Term 4 youth events!) RSVP is essential, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the ZOOM meeting. Therefore, we suggest your youth uses their own email…
Online Youth Event – 4th September
Hey Parents, Our Online Youth Event is this Friday! We’ll be getting together for a fun night of hanging out, playing games, and discussion – all via ZOOM! The team at Youth Unite have put together a short video to encourage us during this period of social isolation. We’ll watch this together and spend some time discussing what they have to say. This is a good event to invite mates to, so ask your youth who they might like to invite…
Online Youth Event – 4th September
Hey Parents, Our next youth event is coming up in three weeks time! We’ll be getting together for a fun night of hanging out, playing games, and discussion – all via ZOOM! The team at Youth Unite have put together a short video to encourage us during this period of social isolation. We’ll watch this together and spend some time discussing what they have to say. Youth Unite is a bunch of churches that come together as a UNITED movement…
Camp Crave Catch-Up – this Friday!
Hey Parents, The online Camp Crave Catch-up is this Friday! All youth are welcome; whether you joined us on Camp or not, this will be a fun event for all. Invite your mates and join us for a fun night of hanging out, playing games + a camp recap, and discussion – all via ZOOM! Details: Friday, 1st May 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 7-12 (Or equivalent) RSVP is essential, Register for the event here. After registering, you will receive…