SUNDAY 14 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 warns us against following the ways of non-believers and joining ourselves to things of this world (idols) and encourages us to live lives devoted to God and his ways. Today’s kid’s song True North reminds us that Jesus should be our guide, our compass, in life. Included in today’s service is an announcement about Going Bananas! We will also be sharing Communion in the service today, so have some bread and wine/juice ready if you would like to partake. To keep hands busy while listening to Kirk’s talk:
- Younger Kids – Colouring, Activity Sheets
- Older Kids – Activity Sheets, Wordfind
Family Devotion Time: Christians are called to live in the world, but not of the world. We are not to bind ourselves so tightly to non-believers or worldly things, that we are influenced to do things that would go against God’s plan for our lives. We are called to be Salt of the Earth and Light of the World. Watch Salt of the Earth kid’s talk …
- What did Jesus mean when he said that his people are like ‘salt’ of the earth?
- How can we be like ‘salt’ to the people around us?
Watch Light of the World short video …
- When did you last need a torch? What did it help you to do?
- Why does Jesus say his people are like lights?
- How can we be lights that shine so that others will praise God?
- How was Jesus both salt and light in the world?
Memory Verse to watch, print and learn over the next few weeks …
- Thank God for Jesus’ perfect example of living differently in the world
- Say sorry for the times you have followed friends, or the ways of the world, instead of following Jesus’ example
- Ask for opportunities to show God’s love to people by being salt and light
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