Talks from November 2023

Talks from November 2023

Miriam’s Song || Joel Snibson || Exodus 15:1-18

As we wait for Christmas, to celebrate the birth of our saviour, carols will be a big part of that. Singing to remind ourselves, and to bring praise to God for who his is and what he’s done. We’re starting a new series today looking at song from the bi…

Part of God’s Story || Tim Johnson || Colossians 3:1-14

What stories do we tell ourselves? Maybe stories of success, accomplishment, achievement. Maybe stories of failure, and an attitude of “I’m not good enough”. We’re coming to the end of our series on identity, called You Do You, and well today be explor…

Made for God || Tim Johnson || Galatians 4:4-11

We’re halfway through our You Do You series- exploring this idea of ‘expressive individualism’, and where we find our identity. Modern western culture says to find your true self, you just need to look inward. But as we’ve seen, looking inwards isn’t t…