Talks on Truth

Talks on Truth

Overcome the World

Sam concludes our Walk in the Light series, a week before Christmas. At the end of the letter of 1 John, John writes encouragements to the Christians who will receive this letter. Sam pulls out some hashtags that John might have used in his letter, if …

Jesus and the Spirit #2

The truth is sometimes hard to hear. Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as an advocate, which Kirk spoke about last week, and the Spirit of Truth. What does that mean for us? Sam explores this idea in the second of our Jesus and the Spirit series.

Holding to Truth

Continuing our Walk in the Light series, Tim looks at the three tests and measures John gives us to gauge how we’re going with walking in the light of Jesus. 1: Follow the commands of God, in the context of a relationship with him. We don’t follow God’s commands to earn his love; rather God loves us regardless, and to honour him, we strive to follow his commands. 2: How do we treat each other? With love, or with hate? Finally, 3: Do you continue to believe the truth about Jesus, that he his the son of God. If you’re wrestling with these tests and questions, keep asking questions about them. They are of vital importance, and fundamental to the Christian faith.