Talks by Tim Johnson (Page 6)

Talks by Tim Johnson (Page 6)

Joy In Your Life || Humility || Philippians 2:1-11

UPDATED: Apologies, as we originally used the wrong audio for this episode. Call it a lesson in humility. Continuing our series through Paul’s letter to the Church in Philippi, Tim explores what Paul says about humility. Paul makes it clear that if you’re a Christian, you’ve received love and acceptance through Jesus, before you’ve done anything at all. Our reaction to that, though, our response to God for uniting himself with us, it to be united with others. If it’s true that we’re loved by God, we should be loving others. If we have the Spirit of God within us, we should be united with others through that same Spirit.  In response to Jesus, we necessarily need to live differently. 

Partners in the Gospel || Philippians 1:1-11

When you think about Christians, how would you describe them? Would you think that they’re judgmental? Bigot? Do-gooder? Paul, in the first century, wrote a letter to a new church in Philippi, saying that believers should be characterised by the joy in their lives. Throughout the book of Philippians, Paul uses the word joyful, or rejoice, over and over again.  Paul says that we can find joy in ‘partnership’ in the Gospel. He finds joy in the fact that both he and those in Philippi are on the same team, sharing the good news of Jesus. Tim Johnson looks at some of our mission partners, and how we can be finding joy in those partnerships.

The Resurrection of Jesus – Fishermen

Jesus’ resurrection is real. Jesus’ resurrection is miraculous. Jesus’ resurrection is about relationship.   Tim takes a look at John 21:1-14, and the third time the resurrected Jesus appeared to his disciples. In this somewhat ordinary time, the disciples go fishing, and then have breakfast with Jesus. But this simple story shows us somewhat profoundly what the resurrection of Jesus is about.  If Jesus is really risen from the dead, and if he is really with us now, what would you say to him? Maybe you’d say, “Jesus, I do believe you rose from the dead, and I want to start following you.”, or maybe you’d say “Jesus, I don’t know if you’re real or not, but if you are, show me!”, or if you’re already a follower of Jesus, you’d ask him for help with something you’re struggling with, or you’d thank him for something great in your life. Jesus is alive. The resurrection isn […]

Good Friday – The Servant

Superheroes are huge at the moment. 2700 years ago, a prophet named Isaiah wrote about someone who would come and save the world; but unlike Superman, Batman, and the Flash, who are obviously super, Isaiah’s hero is named The Servant. This ordinary character doesn’t sound impressive, nor like they could save the world. Yet at Easter, we remember this person, this factual person, Jesus.  The greatest outrage of our nation this year has been focused towards the Australian Cricket Team, and their faults and failings. The players broke the rules, and went against the spirit of the game, and have been harshly criticised by people who themselves, have undoubtedly bent or broken rules to their own benefit. No body does the right thing, all the time. No one! This is why we all need the hero of the Servant, of Jesus. We don’t need to earn forgiveness, as God offers it freely through Jesus Christ, and his death on Good Friday.

A Light to All Nations

Isaiah prophesied 700 years before Jesus was born, that a figure called the “Servant” would come. In Isaiah 49:1-13, it seems as though this Servant is the nation of Israel; but at the same time, is going to restore Israel. This Servant will also restore the entire Earth, all the nations, and show God’s compassion to everyone. Tim looks at how we as a Church are likewise called to serve the nations beyond our own walls.

The Servant – Justice

Some 700 years before Jesus, a guy named Isaiah wrote about a mysterious person called “The Servant of the Lord”. Tim begins this series looking at the Servant being the one to bring justice to the world. Chapter 42 of Isaiah is applied directly to Jesus in the book of Matthew, referring to Jesus as the Servant who God has chosen, and it is this passage which Tim focuses on in this talk. 

Loving Like Jesus

In this week’s episode, Tim looks at the first point of our Church Vision, to “Love Like Jesus”. Love is thrown around in our culture all the time, and something that everyone gets on board with. Jesus shows us a much deeper way of loving though. Christian love doesn’t come naturally or easily, and involves massive personal sacrifice. God is love, God loves us, and if we love one another, God lives in us.  The bible reading for this talk is 1 John 4:7-12.

Know Jesus, Make Jesus Known

This week at our annual St John’s Training Day, senior minister Tim Johnson explores how we should consider our priorities, in the context of St John’s Vision 2022, when compared to knowing Jesus and making him known. In an example of this from the New Testament, Paul writes to the church in Philippi telling them of a choice he has come to make. A choice between knowing Jesus and everything else in his life. This week’s Bible reading is from Philippians 3:7-11.

Follow Me

In the fourth instalment of our Look at Jesus series, senior minister Tim Johnson explores the social connections we form with people of different faiths and the negative stigma around the Christian faith as he challenges us to always be ready to defen…

How Do You React To Christmas?

Tim Johnson shared a brief message at our 5pm Family Service on Christmas Eve; looking at the reactions to news in 2017, and how we might react to the Christmas story.

Children of God

Tim continues our Walk in the Light series. Advent is a time of remembering the first coming of Jesus, and looking forward to the second coming, still to come. You can tell a lot from a snapshot of a single point in time, like an old family photograph….

Holding to Truth

Continuing our Walk in the Light series, Tim looks at the three tests and measures John gives us to gauge how we’re going with walking in the light of Jesus. 1: Follow the commands of God, in the context of a relationship with him. We don’t follow God’s commands to earn his love; rather God loves us regardless, and to honour him, we strive to follow his commands. 2: How do we treat each other? With love, or with hate? Finally, 3: Do you continue to believe the truth about Jesus, that he his the son of God. If you’re wrestling with these tests and questions, keep asking questions about them. They are of vital importance, and fundamental to the Christian faith.

Dealing With Sin

The beginning of a new series in our morning services, Tim Johnson looks at the start of a letter written by John, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. John wrote this letter as someone who was there with Jesus, who had seen him, and heard what he had to say. The letter is not an intellectual exercise, and the truth of God shapes the way we live. Our challenge is to walk in the light of God, rather than to persist…

Ruth Chapter 4

The final chapter in our series on Ruth, our story concludes with the redemption of Ruth and Naomi through Boaz. The book concludes with a list of names, of the descendants of Ruth, all the way to King David, the greatest king of the Old Testament. The New Testament, and the story of Jesus begins with a similar list, from Abraham to David, and then to Jesus himself.  Ruth was part of God’s plan, and if you think you aren’t, you’re wrong. God brings all kinds of people, and brings them into a relationship with himself.

Ruth Chapter 2

In this episode, we meet Boaz, owner of a field where Ruth has been picking up the scraps dropped during the harvest. He demonstrates faithfulness to God’s law found in the Old Testament, and goes above and beyond to ensure that Ruth is cared for; following not just the letter of the law, but the heart of it. Tim asks the questions: what is God doing in this story, and what do we see God’s people doing?

Ruth Chapter 1

The book of Ruth zooms right in on a single family, in the times when Judges ruled Israel. These were hard times for most people, and in particular, Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi. This four-week series looks at Ruth’s story, and how she finds hope in hard times.   In this episode, Tim explores Naomi’s relationship with God, and the hard truth that God gives, and takes away. How do you treat God in hard times? 

Go and be Reconciled

Continuing our Peacemakers series, on how to deal with conflict, when we get to the end result of the self-examination process, and after gently raising the issue with another person we must aim to seek reconciliation. Jesus commands us to prioritise s…

Get the Log Out of Your Eye

The starting point for dealing with conflict is to search our own hearts and lives and see what we have contributed to the problem. Jesus tell his disciples to remove the log from their own eye before they try to remove the speck from someone else’s eye. Conflict gives us an opportunity to come before God, and to ask whether there are idols in our life that are fuelling this conflict, before repenting of the areas where we are causing…

The Gospel and Conflict

The second episode in our Peacemakers series identifies that dealing with conflict is a gospel issue. This is not some sideline topical issue that we may or may not want to think about but is at the heart of our everyday lives. Broken humans are in conflict with God and considered his enemies. Fortunately for us, through the cross, God brings reconciliation and restores a conflict filled, broken relationship. When we’re forgiven by Jesus, we need to apply the truth…

The Reality of Conflict

This new series looks at the reality of conflict. The Church today is the most conflict prone organisation in the world, and the most conflict adverse. This, believe it or not, should be expected! The Church brings in people with different habits, different backgrounds, different life experiences. The only common thread is Jesus. There is no criteria for goodness in the church. The Bible passage for this talk is James 4:1-3.

Jesus, Mary & Martha

Continuing our White (space) July series, Tim takes a look at Luke 10:38-42. This is a well-known passage warning against too much work but it’s relevance only seems to be growing. It’s not that Martha is wrong to work hard, it’s that her priorities are all wrong compared to her sister who is sitting quietly at the feet of the Lord. Mary has effectively carved out some white space for herself, whilst Martha’s life is too crowded.

The Lord’s Supper

Jesus gave us two rituals to show outwardly the grace we receive inwardly, baptism, and communion. In this mini-series, Tim looks at these sacraments, and how they display Jesus working in our lives.


Jesus gave us two rituals to show outwardly the grace we receive inwardly, baptism, and communion. In this mini-series, Tim looks at these sacraments, and how they display Jesus working in our lives.

The Gate

Continuing our I AM series, we go back to what is at the heart of the Christian faith, and examine Jesus, and his revelation of God. There are seven times in the Gospel of John where Jesus said ‘I am’, and gave a series of images that explained who he was. This week, we look at Jesus when he spoke of himself as ‘the gate’ in John 10:1-10. Tim Johnson looks at what this means, with Jesus claiming to be the exclusive way to a relationship with the God the Father.