Blog (Page 9)

Teen Mental Health Week 3

Hey parents, Mental Health is something my family talks about a LOT. But, it definitely wasn’t always that way. When I was in early high school my sister experienced a really challenging time for her mental health. My parents have shared with us that at the time they were unaware of warning signs to look out for, how to communicate well with her and what they could actually do to help when they realized she was struggling. What my parents…

St John’s Kids – 02 August 2020

SUNDAY 2 August Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. This week, we continue our series, Back to the New Future, looking at what our lives might look like post-COVID and how we might develop a new ‘normal’ that centres on God’s norms. Use some blocks, or something else you can stack, to make a tower. Which block is the most important? Take off the top block – what happens? Pull out the bottom block – what happens? Imagine we are…

Teen Mental Health Week 2

Hey Parents, It’s no surprise that having supportive friends is an extremely valuable resource when things get tough. When you’re a teenager though, these friends are often the same age as you and may have limited resources or experience to help you in the way you need. This can be especially true when youth are faced with a friend going through a mental health crisis. In my experience youth are great at noticing when something isn’t quite right with one…

St John’s Kids – 26 July 2020

SUNDAY 26 July Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. This week, we continue our series, Back to the New Future, looking at what our lives might look like in the future and how we might develop a new ‘normal’ that centres on God’s plans for our lives. We are God’s light in the world, and today’s kids’ song, Let Your Light Shine, encourages us to live for God and make him known to others. Today’s bible reading looks at some…

Teen Mental Health Week 1

Hi Parents, I have been reflecting a lot on mental health and young people lately. The statistics of anxiety, depression, and suicide in young people in Australia are staggering: One in seven young people aged 4 to 17 years experience a mental health condition in any given year. One in ten young people aged 12-17 years old will self-harm, one in 13 will seriously consider a suicide attempt, and one in 40 will attempt suicide. Suicide continues to be the…

St John’s Kids – 19 July 2020

SUNDAY 19 July Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. This week, we start a new sermon series, Back to the New Future. Our lives have changed due to COVID. When restrictions lift, people will begin to return to their ‘normal’ lives. But what is ‘normal’ and what about the new things we have learnt or enjoyed while being in isolation? Can we keep these things in the new, future ‘normal’? This series will challenge us to reframe what our lives…

St John’s Kids – 12 July 2020

 SUNDAY 12 July Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. This week, we have one of our mission partners as guest speaker – Josh Bartlett. Josh’s work with Wycliffe focuses on bible engagement in Australia. Older kids should find Josh’s talk quite engaging – have your bibles open at Acts 4. As well as listening to God’s word, we will be worshipping through prayer and music – including a kids’ song Never Be Shaken, which encourages dependence on God. And, later…

Youth Life Groups – continuing online for now

Hey Parents, I hope you have had a nice couple of weeks as your youth have taken a break from school. With the current increase of COVID cases in Victoria and the tightening of restrictions, we will continue to meet via Zoom for St Johns Youth for the time being.  We will reassess this decision when restrictions lift again in the coming months. We hope to have some sort of face to face meetings before the end of the year. This will…

Do You Want to be in a Music Video?!

Hi families, We hope you have been enjoying the QuizWorx videos and devotions we have been sharing during the school holidays. QuizWorx are planning to release a music video called Kids Everywhere later this month. The song reminds us that Jesus wants everyone to know about him, all throughout the world. Kids, parents, grandparents … everyone can get involved … but you only have a week! Submissions are due by 12pm on Tuesday 14 July. 1. Watch the Video Watch…

THIS FRIDAY! Youth Online Games Night

Hey parents, Our Online games night is THIS FRIDAY! Details: Friday, 10th July 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 7-12 (Or equivalent) RSVP is essential, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the ZOOM meeting. Therefore, we suggest your youth uses their own email to register. If your youth is new to St John’s Youth or you haven’t yet given us permission for ‘Online Group Communication’ you must do this before the event!…

St John’s Kids – 05 July 2020

 SUNDAY 5 July Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. This week we have a service of Storytelling – reflecting on, and celebrating, what God has been doing in our lives during the last term, while experiencing physical distancing restrictions. There will be a slideshow of some of our kids’ activities, other art, poetry, testimonies, prayer, and music – including a kids’ song Jesus Number 1. You may find that there is a lot more happening on the screen to capture…

Youth Online Games Night

Hey parents, Don’t forget to register for our Online Games night coming up in just two weeks! We’ll be getting together on ZOOM for a fun night of hanging out and playing games. This is a great event for youth to invite mates to, so please encourage your youth to have a think about who they could invite along. Details: Friday, 10th July 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 7-12 (Or equivalent) RSVP is essential, register here. After registering, you…

St John’s Kids – 28 June 2020

 SUNDAY 28 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Today, we have two Live Q&A services, with different panels at 9:30am and 6:00pm. Kids (and adults), do you have a question about anything we have been learning this term? Or a general question about faith, the bible, or being friends with Jesus? Now is your time to have them answered! Text your questions to 0490 453 293. (You do not have to wait for the service to begin to send…

School Holiday Activities

Hi Families, School Holidays are almost here! I know many of you are looking for a break from all the screen-based activities that have been forced upon us because of physical distancing restrictions. However, in lieu of Going Bananas, for those that may be looking for some fun, biblical based at-home holiday activities, here are a few ideas … St Alfred’s Blackburn North also usually runs a Going Bananas program, for Primary School kids, in the mid-year school holidays. This…

St John’s Kids – 21 June 2020

SUNDAY 21 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 7:2-16 shows that experiencing sadness over areas of our lives can be good, as it was for the early believers in Corinth, if it leads us to turn away from our wrong behaviour and ask God for forgiveness. Join in our kid’s song today, Before I Go, I Stop – a celebration of obedience, prayer and being alive in Christ. To keep hands busy while listening to Tim’s talk,…

St John’s Kids – Service Participation Request

Hi families! To celebrate all that God has done for us over the past term, one of our school holiday services will contain lots of creative elements. It would be wonderful to be able to put together a slideshow of some of the things the kids have been up to during the services and family devotion activities. What has stood out to you? Have you particularly enjoyed the kids’ songs and have photos of dancing, singing, or instrument playing Perhaps…

Live Cooking!

We love to have dinner together before the 6pm service, but during lockdown, we’ve really missed it! Tune in from 5pm on Sunday June 21 and cook along with Andy. We’ll be making Cabonara, a great pasta that’s easy for any skill level. Here’s what you’ll need: Salt 250g guanciale (salt-cured pork jowl), pancetta (Italian bacon), or bacon 250g mushrooms 2 cloves of garlic 100g Parmesan 4 large egg yolks 2 large eggs Pepper 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 450g…

Youth Online Games Night

Hey parents, After the success of our last online youth event, we’re excited to be running an Online Games Night these holidays! We’ll be getting together on ZOOM for a fun night of hanging out and playing games. This is a great event for youth to invite mates to, so please encourage your youth to have a think about who they could invite along. Details: Friday, 10th July 7.30 pm – 9 pm Years 7-12 (Or equivalent) RSVP is essential,…

St John’s Kids – 14 June 2020

  SUNDAY 14 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 warns us against following the ways of non-believers and joining ourselves to things of this world (idols) and encourages us to live lives devoted to God and his ways. Today’s kid’s song True North reminds us that Jesus should be our guide, our compass, in life. Included in today’s service is an announcement about Going Bananas! We will also be sharing Communion in the service today,…

St John’s Kids – 07 June 2020

SUNDAY 7 JUNE Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. 2 Corinthians 6:3-13 lists some of the hardships that Paul faced, but with God’s Holy Spirit he was able to do so with a good attitude. God wants us to face the challenges in our lives with the same attitude and reliance on him. Today’s kid’s song Never Be Shaken reminds us that even when things around us are uncertain, God is our strength and shield. To keep hands busy while…

St Johns Youth – continuing online

Hey parents, Youth Life Groups will continue to meet via Zoom for the remainder of Term 2.  We’ve decided to keep meeting online this term for a few reasons: As restrictions begin to lift and we can consider in-person meetings, we’re in no rush. We plan to get back into things slowly rather than throw families into other activities all at the same time. Our primary concern is the physical safety and the emotional and mental wellbeing of the youth…

St John’s Kids – 31 May 2020

 SUNDAY 31 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Today is Pentecost – a celebration of the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples and new believers in Jesus. Today’s passage reminds us that when we believe in Jesus, we also receive his gift of the Holy Spirit, and we become a new creation. We no longer live for ourselves, but for Christ. Join in with the actions today as we sing One Way and celebrate that Jesus is the one…

St John’s Kids – 24 May 2020

SUNDAY 24 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Sometimes our bodies do not work exactly how we would like them to. It may because of a broken arm after falling off the monkey bars, or because of sickness or a medical condition. And, as we grow older our bodies become frailer and more susceptible to breakage and disease. Last week’s passage reminded us that despite, or even because of, our weaknesses and flaws, God can use us to shine…

St John’s Kids – 17 May 2020

SUNDAY 17 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. Sometimes we can feel too young, too old, too ordinary, not wise enough, or that we have made too many mistakes to be of use to God. This week’s passage, 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, shows us that God uses us as we are, and it is because of our imperfections that his power and glory can shine. Get your voice ready and a torch to shine for our kid’s song this week,…

ST JOHN’S KIDS – 10 MAY 2020

SUNDAY 10 MAY Today’s service: Access our streamed services here. In the bible, we see God shown as three different ‘persons’ – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. After Jesus died and rose again, he sent the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe, so that we can have a relationship with God always. The Holy Spirit frees us from old laws and rituals and gives us new life in Christ. Because…