St John’s Kids – 12 July 2020

St John’s Kids – 12 July 2020

 SUNDAY 12 July

Today’s service:

Access our streamed services here.

This week, we have one of our mission partners as guest speaker – Josh Bartlett. Josh’s work with Wycliffe focuses on bible engagement in Australia.

Older kids should find Josh’s talk quite engaging – have your bibles open at Acts 4.

As well as listening to God’s word, we will be worshipping through prayer and music – including a kids’ song Never Be Shaken, which encourages dependence on God. And, later in the service, we will be sharing Communion, so have some juice and bread ready.

In a ‘normal’ year, this week would have been NAIDOC Week, an occasion for all Australians to come together to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – the oldest continuing cultures on the planet.

So, for those who would like something to keep their hands busy while listening to today’s talk, here are some colouring pages featuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art:

Follow up these activities, after the service and/or during the week, by talking with your children about the unique place that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures hold in Australia. This teaching resource contains lots of links, some of which you might like to explore together.


Family Devotion Time:

This week, we continue to think about living differently as followers of Jesus. This talk helps us understand that we all have faults and we should focus on our own behaviour and love others, not criticise or judge them.

Enter the courtroom of Judge Scruff the Dog, where Mendel the Monster is on trial for having a speck of sawdust in his eye! What will the verdict be? What will the punishment be? And will Judge Scruff be able to see clearly, or is something in the way? Watch …

Read Matthew 7:1-5 and discuss…

  • What were all the puppets trying to tell Judge Scruff?
  • What does it mean to ‘judge’ someone?
  • When are you tempted to do that?
  • What does Jesus say will happen to those who judge others?
  • How should Jesus’ followers act towards others?

Fun Stuff …

Pray together …

  • Thank God that, when we trust and follow Jesus, he forgives us for the wrong things we do
  • Say sorry for the times we criticise and judge others
  • Ask him to help us to see the areas of our own behaviour that we need to change, and to help us see the good in others instead of their faults

Challenge …

Have you completely memorised the Memory Verse words and actions over the past few weeks? I would love to see you saying it. Ask mum or dad to video you and then you can either share it to our Parents’ Group or email it to if you would prefer to keep it private. There just might be PRIZES involved!

Over the next few days, as a family, look further into this topic with these Digging Deeper Devotions.

For your convenience, here is the bonus video mentioned in the Digging Deeper Devotions …

We hope you’ve enjoyed and learnt new things from this Sermon on the Mount series from QuizWorx. In the coming weeks, look forward to some more teaching from the St John’s Kids’ team.



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