Blog (Page 6)

Youth Part of God’s Mission + Online Escape Room

Hello parents, Our first time as ‘Youth part of God’s Mission’ is next Sunday! As St John’s Youth we will be practically loving the current participants of the Alpha course being run by St John’s. Alpha will be having their final meeting together, talking about what church is. As a group, we’re going to prepare them some yummy food and decorate the room to help them celebrate the end of the course. We think this will be a great opportunity to…

St John’s Kids & Families, 25 April 2021

Welcome to Term 2! I hope you have all had an enjoyable term break. The lead up to Easter, as with Christmas, can be busy with end of term activities and family and other social get-togethers. We can run the risk of solemnly commemorating Jesus’ death and celebrating the resurrection and then … we often just stop. But the excitement did not stop on Easter Sunday! Over the last few weeks, we have had talks (in-person and online) looking at…

Spiritual but not Religious? || St John’s Extra

Australians believe in the supernatural – from ghosts to miracles and a higher power. What do you believe in? ABC article – “We asked Australians if they believe in God or the supernatural. Here’s what they said” –  Get St John’s Extra sent to your inbox — Check out our website — Join our church community —

Hybrid Youth Ministry Survey + St John’s Youth part of God’s Mission

Hey Parents, I hope you and your family have had a wonderful Easter and are continuing to enjoy your holidays! It’s time to gather feedback around our Hybrid Youth Ministry trial! Off the back of doing online youth ministry in 2020, we decided to try a hybrid in-person/online youth ministry for Term 1 of 2021. To access the full document outlining the trial click here. Please complete a 5 min survey to give us your feedback here.  Our Hybrid Youth…

St John’s Kids – Easter 2021

Click here for details of our Easter services, in-person and livestreamed. At our in-person services, we will have some free resources to help you investigate the life and death of Jesus further. One of these is specifically for kids: Who, What, Why of Easter. This has also been made available as a digital resource which you can watch here: And there are some related activity sheets available too: 1, 2, 3, 4. Please connect with us if you are not…

SHOWDOWN – Christmas vs. Easter || St John’s Extra

It’s the battle of the holidays! Why do we put so much emphasis on Christmas and leave Easter behind? Explore the book of Mark through Christianity Explored — Celebrate Easter at St John’s — Get St John’s Extra sent to your inbox — Check out our website — Join our church community —

St John’s Kids, 28 March 2021

Sunday 28 March You can access our digital services here and/or attend in-person at 10am or 5pm. This week we conclude our current talk series. Read Jeremiah 31:27-34 in preparation. This passage points forward to God making a new covenant with his people – one that would not write his law on tablets of stone, as in Moses’ time, but where he would write his law on their hearts. This prophesy was ultimately fulfilled through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the…

Easter DEBUNKED! || St John’s Extra

St John’s Extra is back for Season 2! Kicking us off, Andy debunks some Easter traditions – including the Pagan origins of Easter… Get St John’s Extra sent to your inbox: Check out our website — Join our church community —

St John’s Kids, 21 March 2021

Sunday 21 March You can access our digital services here and/or attend in-person at 10am or 5pm. This week we continue our current talk series. Read Jeremiah 23:15-32 in preparation. Jeremiah had to contend with false prophets who were telling the people that everything was going to be okay – that they were God’s people and had nothing to worry about, when in fact God had told Jeremiah that they were heading for military defeat and exile. We might be…

The Positive Parenting Program

Hey Parents, Recently a fellow youth worker showed me this great resource for parents that you might like to take a look at! The Positive Parenting program has been backed by the Victorian Government and is doing free online parenting sessions for all ages. To access the program click here. The Free program for parents of pre-teens and teens (ages 10-16) can help you: Build a stronger relationship Negotiate boundaries and expectations Deal calmly with conflict Survive the emotional rollercoaster Prepare…

St John’s Kids, 14 March 2021

Sunday 14 March You can continue to access our digital services here and/or attend in-person at 10am or 5pm. This week we continue our current talk series. Read Jeremiah 15:10-21 in preparation. Jeremiah is feeling very sorry for himself in this passage – to the point of wishing he had never been born. He feels as though he has done what God asked of him, but that his message has been rejected and the people curse him for it. He feels…

St John’s Kids, 07 March 2021

Sunday 7 March This week we continue our talk series, looking at the book of Jeremiah. You can continue to access our digital services here and/or attend in-person at 10am or 5pm. The people of Judah had put their trust in the temple and the associated sacrifices and rituals. But outside of that system, they were overtly disobeying God in other areas of their lives. Are we sometimes guilty of attending church ‘religiously’ on Sundays and forgetting that a relationship with…

St John’s Kids, 28 February 2021

Sunday 28 February This week, we start a new talk series, looking at the book of Jeremiah. Quite often, children are referred to as the future of the church. While it is true that our young’uns are likely to outlive the current leadership of the church, referring to them only in terms of the future undermines their role in the present and can leave kids thinking that they need to wait before they are of any use to the church…

Camp Crave Night/Day!

Hey Parents, Our Camp Crave Night/Day is next Friday! Details: Friday 5th March 6.30 pm – 10 pm AND Saturday 6th March 10 am – 2 pm Years: 7-12 Location: St Johns Cost: $25 Due to the unpredictability of restrictions at this time, there is a possibility this event will be online – in that case, it will be a free event. If the event can go ahead in-person to cover the cost of dinner Friday and Lunch Saturday the event will…

St John’s Kids, 21 February 2021

Sunday 21 February Over the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at Songs of Joy in the Psalms – specifically singing for joy and sharing the joy. This week, our focus is on living with joy. I was reading this morning about the overview effect – the intense emotions and awareness that astronauts experience because of their unique perspective of the earth from space. It can be so overwhelming that some have built ‘awe-time’ into their schedule. Before…

Youth Unite IS ON THIS FRIDAY + Crave Night/Day

Hey Parents, Good News, with the ease of restrictions we can go ahead with Youth Unite Summer this Friday! In line with the new government restrictions coming in place this evening and advice from the Anglican Diocese (our church’s regional governing body), we are able to meet as a religious gathering, meeting the density quotient of 1 person per 2 sqm. Details: Friday 19th February Years 7-12 Meet at St John’s 6.30 pm We’ll then car-pool with masks on to Mill Park…

St John’s Kids, 14 February 2021

Sunday 14 February The Sad News is … There will be no in-person services this week. Melbourne is heading into 5 days of lockdown. While sad, I believe it is far preferable to have occasional short, sharp ‘circuit breakers’ than to end up back in 6+ months of lockdown. So, I give thanks to God for the lessons learnt last year and the leadership that we have. The Good News is … Our made-for-digital service is still up and running,…

Youth Unite + Camp Crave Night

Hey Parents, Our first Friday night youth event for 2021 Youth Unite Summer is coming fast! This is a chance to join youth from churches in our area for a time of worship, games, hanging out and learning more about God. Details: Friday 19th February Years 7-12 Meet at St Johns 6.30 pm (we’ll then car-pool Mill Park Baptist Church) Pick up St Johns 10 pm $5 entry Covid Safe measures will be in place for this event; registration, social distancing, and masks. Please RSVP here.…

St John’s Kids, 07 February 2021

Sunday 7 February You can access our digital services here or attend an in-person service at 10am or 5pm. If attending in person, please take the time to scan the QR Code on arrival and enter your details. Keeping electronic records is mandatory. As are masks again this week, for the whole service! Thank you for your willingness to adapt to changing regulations.   This week we start a new talk series, looking at the Psalms and the topic of JOY.…

IMPORTANT UPDATE: St John’s Youth 2021

Hey Parents, This week’s parents’ blog is a very important update of what to expect for St John’s Youth activities in 2021. Please watch this video as Kirk (Associate Minister) chats to Andi (Youth Minister) to give you an update and let you know what you can expect: Off the back of doing online youth ministry in 2020, we have decided to trial a hybrid in-person/online youth ministry for Term 1 of 2021. To access the full document mentioned in…

St John’s Kids, 31 January 2021

Sunday 31 January You can continue to access our digital services here. We are no longer requiring pre-registration for our in-person services – 10am and 5pm. We do still need to maintain electronic records, so scan the QR Code on arrival and enter your details. This will take a few minutes the first time, as you need to register with a password, but will be simpler thereafter. St John’s Kids will be resuming in-person this week! We won’t start our teaching…

St John’s Youth 2021

Hey Parents, I hope you and your families have had a good start to 2021 and feel well-rested as you head back to school this week and next. Next week I will send you an in-depth video update on what to expect for St John’s Youth in 2021. If you are new to St John’s Youth it’s important that you register to help as we plan for Youth Life Groups. You can do so here.  In the meantime, here are…

St John’s Kids, 24 January 2021

Sunday 24 January: Access our streamed services here. If you would like to attend our in person service at either 10am or 5pm please register your attendance here. Our St John’s Kids program will remain in recess during the holidays and will resume in-person with the school term. If you are attending in-person services with kids this week, the activity sheets provided in the blog will be available in physical form for you to collect when you arrive at church. However,…

St John’s Kids, 17 January 2021

Good News … We start in-person services this week! Head here for more info and to register for in-person attendance at either 10am or 5pm. Bad News … Actually, there isn’t any bad news because we are keeping our digital services running too. So, if you are not ready/able to join in-person, you can continue to connect with us digitally. WIN/WIN! Our St John’s Kids program will remain in recess during the holidays and will resume with the school term.…

St John’s Kids, 10 January 2021

Sunday 10 January: Access our streamed services here. This week’s reading and talk include one of my favourite miracles. We can fall into the trap of thinking that all of Jesus’ miracles were pretty much the same – conducted in public with one word or touch, to ease the pain of individuals, and to demonstrate Jesus’ power over nature, illness or even death. But this time, Jesus leads a blind man away from his village and the miracle is conducted in…