Sunday 28 March
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This week we conclude our current talk series. Read Jeremiah 31:27-34 in preparation.
This passage points forward to God making a new covenant with his people – one that would not write his law on tablets of stone, as in Moses’ time, but where he would write his law on their hearts. This prophesy was ultimately fulfilled through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the gift of his Holy Spirit that transforms hearts and minds.
This week is often referred to as Holy Week. Starting with Palm Sunday, and ending on Easter Sunday, it is a great opportunity to talk to your kids about the significant events in the final week of Jesus’ life on earth, his death and resurrection.
As a family, commit time each day this week, to preparing your hearts for Easter. The following devotion guides contain readings for each day, discussion questions and some suggested craft/activities. Adapt one to the ages of your children and needs of your family:
On Maundy Thursday (or another day that suits), we encourage you to participate in a Passover Meal as a household, by inviting friends into your home, or with your Life Group. We have provided a resource you can use to experience the rich symbolism this ancient tradition holds. You can access this resource, as well as find details of our Easter Services here.
What about the Crucifixion?
Some parents struggle with knowing how much detail to share with their kids about Jesus’ crucifixion. And for good reason. Crucifixion is one of the most brutal forms of punishment in history. The amount of detail we share should always take into consideration a child’s age and sensitivity. Too much graphic detail is not necessary to convey Jesus’ act of love and sacrifice.
The BeliefNet website offers some developmental guidelines from a psychologist for teaching children about the crucifixion.
Have a great week!
Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister
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