Parents’ Blog (Page 11)

Dinner this week – 31st March

Hey Parents, This week we will be having dinner before our Sunday at 6 service. Dinner will be included as part of our Youth Life Group. Dinner is at 5pm in the St John’s foyer, we recommend bringing a $5 donation to help us cover costs. All are welcome! Also, a reminder for youth to please bring along a gold coin to Youth Life Group each week to go towards the snacks we share as a group. Thanks, Andi [mc4wp_form id=”5448″]

Lent: Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt #3

Please click these links If you missed either Week #1 or Week #2 of the Lenten Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt.   Week #3 – Jesus’ Ministry – Read Luke 5:1-11 together as a family or Let’s Go! from the Jesus Storybook Bible   Jesus began to teach all the people They’d come to hear him, no building or steeple He’d talk in the mountains and down by the sea And to those who would listen, he’d say “Come, follow me!”…

Free Cyber World session & Extended Q&A this week

Hey parents, Having knowledge about the cyber world is so valuable if you are a parent of a youth. If you would like to feel better equipped I encourage you to attend the free session ‘The reality of cyber world for young people’ being held at Westfield Plenty Valley next week. This session is aimed to assist parents of young people to navigate the cyber world. This workshop will provide you with strategies on how to engage your young person in…

You can help bless our Youth Leaders

Dear Parents, This year our Youth Unite team have planned an extra event just for youth leaders. Leaders volunteer so much of their time and energy to serve our young people and their families, that we wanted to do something special to thank them. We also want to help churches better equip their leaders for ministry and to provide opportunities for them to interact with leaders from other churches. So, on April 5th we will be holding a Leadership Dinner…

Lent: Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt #2

If you missed the initial Lenten Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt post last week, click here to read.   Week #2 – Jesus’ Baptism – Read Mark 1:1-11 together as a family or Heaven Breaks Through from the Jesus Storybook Bible   As he grew, he gained respect from God and man And his calling to save us, he began to understand He declared he came to set the captives free And was baptised by John to begin that journey.  …

Lent: Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent – a period leading up to Easter. Traditionally, it is a time of confession, reflection and contemplation as we consider all that Jesus accomplished through his death. Reflection and contemplation don’t necessarily come easily for children and youth and, as parents, sometimes we tend to shield our children from the sadness and heaviness of Lent and the crucifixion. But, if we want our children to truly know the JOY that is Easter, we must…

Camp Crave – this weekend!

Hey Parents, Camp Crave 2019 is just days away! Here is all the info you and your camper need to know, all who have registered will also receive a personal email with this information. Camp Crave 2019 info: Some of this stuff is pretty important, so make sure you and your camper read it all! We’ll be bussing up to the camp site from St. John’s. Please arrive at 4.30 pm as we need to get up to the camp site…

Last chance to register for Camp Crave!

Hey Parents, Camp Crave starts this Friday – now is your last chance to register! Registrations close tomorrow 9am, 4th March. Click here to see what Camps all about and book yourself a spot. Tomorrow an email will be sent to all who have registered confirming details of the camp (e.g. bus times) and giving plenty of useful information (e.g. what to pack). Cannot wait for a great weekend of fun times, outdoor adventures and learning more about Jesus! See you…

Dinner this Sunday + Camp Crave

Hey Parents, This week we will be having dinner before our Sunday at 6 service. Dinner will be included as part of our youth life group. Dinner is at 5pm in the St John’s foyer, we recommend bringing a $5 donation to help us cover costs. All are welcome! Also, Camp Crave is in just two weeks!!! It’s not too late to register and invite your friends. Give your friends the code: FriendCode to save $20. Click here to see what Camps all about…

Extended Q&A – February 24

  G’day parents, This Sunday (24th Feb) we have extended QandA after the Sunday@6 service. Stick around for some interesting discussion. Future dates for QandA, 5pm Dinner and Extended Worship here: Extended Q&A and Worship both start about ten minutes after the end of the Sunday@6 service (approximately 7:20pm) and go to about 8pm. Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Youth Unite this Friday!

Hey Parents, Youth Unite Summer is this Friday! This is a chance for our youth to join youth from churches in our area for a time of worship, games, hanging out and learning more about God. Details: Friday 22nd February Meet at St Johns 6.30 pm (we’ll then car-pool to UniHill Church Bundoora) Pick up St Johns 10 pm $5 entry Please RSVP here. St Johns Youth Ministry Team. [mc4wp_form id=”5448″]

Camp Crave Friend Code + Youth Unite

Hey Parents, Our early bird price for Camp Crave is over, but don’t fret! If you invite a friend you can give them the code: FriendCode (code is cap sensitive) for their own camp discount. This code can be used for 3 kinds of people: Friends who are not part of a church but who have shown some interest or openness to Christianity. We will talk about Jesus a fair bit, so they at least need to be ready to tolerate some…

Parenting Events

Hi parents, There are a couple of great parenting events / opportunities coming up that we thought some of you may be interested in:   Scripture Union Parent/Child Camps These are designed for parents to spend some quality one-on-one time with their son or daughter (aged 9 – 15yrs), investing in their relationship while engaging in a range of fun activities and exploring parenting from a Christian perspective. Mother/Son Camp:           15 – 17 Feb 2019 Mother/Daughter…

Youth Life Groups start THIS SUNDAY!

Hey Parents, Youth Life Groups start this week, 4 pm Sunday, 17th Feb (Arrive from 3.45 pm). Groups will transition straight into the Sunday@6 service, we recommend pick up after the service finishes (we aim to finish by 7:10 pm). We recommend bringing your own personal bible to Life Group each week. Please fill in this brief survey so we know who to expect! Thank you, St John’s Youth Ministry Team [mc4wp_form id=”5448″]

Camp Crave Second Early Bird

G’day Parents, We’ve opened a second early bird window for Camp Crave! It’s not quite as good a deal as the first window but it’s still cheaper than the normal rate. Closes Monday Feb 11. Click here to see what Camps all about and book yourself a spot. Don’t forget to sign up for a Life Group if you haven’t already. Youth Ministry Team.

Youth Life Group Rego Link

G’day Parents, This blog gets emailed to those who sign up (see below). I’m aware that an embedded form we sent round yesterday might not have worked with every email application so here is a link if that was the case 🙂 Sorry for the inconvenience. Youth Ministry Team [mc4wp_form id=”5448″]  

Youth Life Groups 2019

Hey Parents, Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey! The results are in and all our Youth Life Groups are set to kick off 4 pm Sunday, 17th Feb. There will be no other time-slot for groups to start 2019. We are not ruling them out for the future (either this year or following) but it seems like Sunday arvos will just work really well this year. So, if you have a youth who intends to be part…

St John’s Kids Launch

Hi families, 2019 is up and running, kids are returning to, or starting, kinder/school and that means … St John’s Kids is resuming this weekend – Sunday 3 February, at our 9:30am and 6:00pm services. If you would like to avoid the juggle of filling in start-of-year registration forms on arrival, please print and complete this form for each child and bring with you. To further kick-start the term, you are invited to a Church Picnic at Peppers Paddock, 7 Kangaroo Ground-Wattle…

Youth Life Groups 2019

Hey Parents, Planning for St John’s Youth in 2019 is well under way! We’ve been doing some planning the last few days and we have a question for you. We think it might be possible to have all our Youth Life Groups meet 4pm Sunday’s before our Sunday@6 service. We reckon this would have a large number of benefits with only a couple of drawbacks. So our question is, does Sunday arvo work for your kids? If you could please fill in this…

Where do we get our images?

We like to put a nice image with each of our posts to help grab your attention. There are many great images out there where the artists allow you to use the image for free. This post is a tribute to those who help make our website look great. As an example, our bonfire image last year was from a photographer called Marco Verch. He’s taken some spectacular shots of a huge variety of things. You can check out his…

Volunteer at Sunday@6

Hey Parents, The start of the year is a great time to try new things. At Sunday@6 teams are forming and roles are changing so it’s a great time to put up your hand to volunteer! There are tons of things up front and behind the scenes to get involved in. Volunteering your time and skills is a great way to live out your faith – handing over those things to God for him to use! This week I encourage you…

Are you in our Parent Facebook group?

G’day Parents, If you have a Facebook account, I recommend joining a group that is attached to our church Facebook page called ‘St John’s Parents’. Some of what we post here is re-posted there but the main reason to join that group is the possibility of discussion and parents sharing tips and resources with each other. Last year there were several posts from other parents that we directly applied in our family to great effect. Check it out. Also, You…

Camp Crave 2019

G’day Parents, You may be wondering about Camp Crave next year. Me too! Well, good news, you can register for our 2019 camp right now! Just click here and you’ll see everything you need to know and sign up. We’ll post more about the camp in the coming weeks but if you’re already committed to coming, you might was well sign up now and take advantage of our early bird rates! Kirk

Community Carols this Sunday

G’day Parents, This weekend (Dec 16) Sunday@6 will not be at the St John’s buildling. Instead we’ll be at the Community Carols down at Coventry Oval. You can read about it at our info hub or check out the Facebook event. See you there for a sausage and some singing. Finishes with fireworks! We’ll have one more Sunday@6 service on Dec 23. There will be no evening service on Dec 30. Kirk

Teaching Children to Pray

  Hi families, Over the past three weeks, St John’s Kids at the 9:30am service have been exploring a series on Prayer. If you missed out on receiving the Prayer resource handed out to families, go to a different service, or just prefer a digital copy, please click on the applicable link(s): Teaching Children to Pray, 2-6 yrs Teaching Children to Pray, 7-11yrs (Please excuse the formatting of the PDFs. It’s designed to be a two-sided tri-fold booklet, not a…