Lent: Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt #2

Lent: Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt #2

If you missed the initial Lenten Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt post last week, click here to read.


Week #2 – Jesus’ Baptism – Read Mark 1:1-11 together as a family

or Heaven Breaks Through from the Jesus Storybook Bible


As he grew, he gained respect from God and man

And his calling to save us, he began to understand

He declared he came to set the captives free

And was baptised by John to begin that journey.


John the Baptist baptised Jesus in the Jordan River. This marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Find a stream, a pool, a river, anything with water for your family selfie. Take some time to think about what happened when Jesus was baptised, how God spoke from heaven and what John said about Him.

Feel free to share your photos and experience, each week, in the St John’s Parents Facebook group.