'prayer' Tagged Posts
Entry level service opportunities for youth
G’day parents, At our most recent Sunday@6 service I mentioned that there are a few simple but important roles that are ideal for youth to take on if they’re wanting to serve at church. The obvious ones in my mind are reading the bible, hospitality and praying for people (either up front or in prayer ministry). I was encouraged that multiple people responded and signed up for bible reading and prayer. If your kids are keen to serve Jesus and…
6to6 Prayer Day and how to prioritise upcoming youth activities
G’day parents, First up, just a quick reminder that we have our 6to6 Prayer Day this Saturday. Twelve hours of non-stop prayer in the foyer at St. John’s. Each hour is facilitated by two adults with Working With Children Checks and their job is to encourage/help people to pray. For this reason, I reckon that 6to6 is a great opportunity for youth. Every hour of the day will be an appropriate time for them to come along and experience prayer,…