G’day parents,
First up, just a quick reminder that we have our 6to6 Prayer Day this Saturday. Twelve hours of non-stop prayer in the foyer at St. John’s.
Each hour is facilitated by two adults with Working With Children Checks and their job is to encourage/help people to pray.
For this reason, I reckon that 6to6 is a great opportunity for youth. Every hour of the day will be an appropriate time for them to come along and experience prayer, perhaps in a way they haven’t before.
Click here to see the timetable and drop in any time between 6am and 6pm on Saturday June 17th.
There is a youth event on Friday 23rd June and then a youth hosted fundraiser on Saturday 24th June. Usually we would avoid putting two youth related extra events on the one weekend but, well… it’s a long story but basically we didn’t realise the clash early enough to avoid it. No one’s fault, just an accident.
Anyway, how do you pick which to attend if you’ve got a busy weekend? Well the Games and Movie Night is purely social and only for youth; no adults allowed. The Fundraiser is not a youth event as such, the majority of people attending will be adults, but it has a ripper cause (The Babes Project) and is organised by one of our youth life groups. It’s great to see these girls taking something on like this and seeking to make a difference in the lives of other young people.
I will be at the Games and Movie night but, then again, I am in charge of that one. Some of our youth and leaders will be at the fundraiser because they’re in charge there. The choice, is yours. Apologies if it causes angst in your family, we’ll try and avoid this sort of issue again in the future.