'baptism' Tagged Posts
Baptism and Confirmation Info this Sunday (Nov 3)
Hi everyone. On Nov 24, Sunday@6 will be having a special Baptism and Confirmation Service. Should be great! THIS Sunday (Nov 3) we are having an info/prepartion meeting in Kirk’s office at 4pm. If you’d like to get baptised or confirmed, or you’d like to know more with the possibility of getting baptised and confirmed, please come along. We will finish around 5:30. Sometimes kids need a bit of a prompting encouragement from a trusted adult in their…
No Youth Life Group next two weeks + Baptism // Confirmation
Hey Parents, There will be no Youth Life Groups the next two Sundays (22/9 and 29/9) as we break for the School Holidays. We’ll be back up and running again 6th October. On the 24th November we’ll be having a Baptism and Confirmation Service at Sunday@6. This is an opportunity for you or your child to make a public declaration of the relationship you have with God. Getting baptised is one of the big things Jesus told his followers to…
Baptism and Confirmation Service this Sunday
G’day Parents, I recently wrote about our upcoming baptism and confirmation service. I’m pleased to announce we have 5 people getting confirmed and 2 getting baptised. It should be a great night. Come along and hear their stories, witness the commitments of these young people and celebrate the promises they make. The following week is Diamond Creek Community Carols. And the week after that is Christmas Eve! Our first Sunday@6 service after Christmas will be 7th January 2018. Kirk
Baptism and Confirmation Service – December 10
G’day Parents, On December 10th Sunday@6 will be hosting a Baptism and Confirmation Service where people have the opportunity to stand up in front of their church community and publicly commit to following Jesus. In the Anglican tradition, confirmation is for people who have been baptised as infants or children and, now that they’re older, want to affirm the promises that were made on their behalf. We’ve already got a bunch of young people keen to be involved. If someone…