Parents’ Blog (Page 15)

Free Maths Tutoring Returns

G’day parents, This Sunday at 3:30pm we will be hosting free maths tutoring for high school students. This is something we’ve done for a while now and is a fantastic opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of. Remember, it’s free! Normally this would cost about $60 an hour! Here’s some details: At St. John’s in Meeting Room 2 (we’ll put signs up). Bring your school work with you (especially maths stuff). It’s free! All year levels of high school. Students from…

Update on 5pm Activities

G’day Parents, This week I have news on our 5pm activities which have been running before the Sunday@6 service each week. It’s possible this might get complicated so I’ll try and be extra clear by using the ancient art of formatting. 5pm Dinners WILL continue every fortnight. Here are the remaining dates for term two: 21/5, 4/6 & 18/6. The activities that were happening on the alternate weeks are going on a temporary PAUSE and will not be running for the remainder…

Youth Unite and Excursion

G’day parents, If you’re getting this  message on Friday arvo, this is a last minute reminder that Youth Unite is tonight at 7pm. Also at short notice is a chance to go to a play staring one of our year 10s. Their school is putting it on with Scotch College which means it’s going to be in a very nice (expensive) auditorium. Click here for details. We need to get your RSVP but this Monday afternoon (May 8th) if you’re…

Youth Unite Mid Year Event – May 5

G’day Parents, Three times a year we meet up with other youth ministries in the Northern Suburbs for an all-in event called Youth Unite. They are a really positive example of people from all different backgrounds getting together because of Jesus and I expect this one to be no exception. Click here to see the Facebook event which has the details. Diamond Valley Baptist are hosting this time, they are literally in the same street as our church, just a couple of…

Millennials, internet addiction & other people

G’day Parents, I’ve recently watched a few interviews with leadership guru Simon Sinek. He’s been talking a lot about the millennial generation (the generation that came before today’s youth). It’s good stuff. I recommend watching this video as it has lots of insights into technology, culture and parenting. Whilst it is primarily about young adults, I can see a lot of this stuff filtering into youth culture right now. As for St. John’s, our 5pm dinners/activities will begin again on…

Easter Holidays

G’day Parents, Hope the holidays have started well at your place. Here’s a few bits of info about holidays and youth at St. John’s. There are no 5pm activities or dinners on Sundays during the holidays or the two long weekends at that follow. So the first 5pm activities for term 2 will be on 30th April. There IS a 5pm prayer meeting before the service when there is no activities. You and your family are welcome to join. We…

Questions, Writing and Cooking

G’day parents, A few tidbits for you this week: This Sunday night we are hosting a Panel Night as part of our Sunday@6 service. This is something we do several times and year. We select four members of our church who volunteer to attempt to answer any question people throw at them (at least if the questions relate to God in some way). People can ask via text or just pop their hand up. We believe that young people don’t respond well…

Camp Crave – Time to register, seriously!

G’day parents, I’ve written about Camp Crave before here. We’re getting close now and we don’t have enough registrations to go ahead. This has been the case every year at this time, then we get a bunch of registrations. My request is that, if you’ve got youth coming, that you register them today and help me sleep better at night 😉 Click here to register. If they’re not registered but might come, I highly recommend that you follow that rabbit all…

Youth Unite Tonight + Life Groups and Trivia

G’day Parents, I’ve posted about Youth Unite before but it’s on tonight so thought I’d mention it one last time. Life Groups. If you’ve registered for a group then it’s likely that you’ve heard from me or a leader already. If not, please drop me an email ( Is it too late to join a group? Never! Just let us know you’re keen and we’ll see what we can do. Trivia! At 5pm on Sundays (school and public holidays excluded)…

Coming to Camp Crave? Please register

G’day Parents, This coming Sunday the Camp Crave leaders will be gathering to plan the camp. At this stage, still a few weeks out, we do not have enough registrations for the camp to go ahead. I’m writing to request that IF you know your youth are coming to camp, could you please register them this week? That way when we start planning, we know the camp is going ahead and have a snapshot of who will be attending. Obviously…

Free maths tutoring starts this Sunday

G’day parents, This Sunday at 3:30pm we will be hosting free maths tutoring for high school students. Here’s some details: At St. John’s in Meeting Room 2 (we’ll put signs up). Bring your school work with you (especially maths stuff). It’s free! All year levels of high school. Students from all schools welcome. This is not limited to church people; invite friends who would benefit from the tutoring. There will be pre-Sunday@6 dinner from 5pm so do stick around for a…

Life Groups Update

G’day parents, This Thursday night we will meet as a leadership team and lock in the life group allocations for this year. Soon after that you will hear from group leaders about your kid/s’ first group meeting and related details. As always, there were no times/locations that perfectly suit everyone. None-the-less we have done our best to run groups at times where the most possible people can attend every week. We are keen to work with families to make the…

Youth Unite – Feb 24

G’day Parents, Three times a year we meet up with other youth ministries in the Northern Suburbs for an all-in event called Youth Unite. I’m increasingly appreciating these nights the longer I am a part of St. John’s. They are a really positive example of people from all different backgrounds getting together because of Jesus. No event is perfect but Youth Unite has so much going for it, I highly recommend you get your youth along to all three events this year.…

Two Big Services

G’day parents, The next two Sundays host two special services at St. John’s. This week we have our combined service at 10am. All four of our services are getting together for a big celebration together. Following the combined service there will be a a bunch of training sessions, all very accessible to youth and adults. Click here for more details. If you know you’re coming to a training session, we’d love it if you could register (it’s free). On Feb 12…

Camp Crave 2017

G’day Parents, I’m back from holiday and my first order of business was locking in Camp Crave. Well, it’s locked in! Click here to visit the webpage where you can read about the camp and register online. If you get the sense you might need some help financing the camp, please don’t hesitate to contact me on via this email: We can work something out for sure. I’ve been running Christian youth camps for over a decade and remain…