Youth Unite – Feb 24

Youth Unite – Feb 24

G’day Parents,

Three times a year we meet up with other youth ministries in the Northern Suburbs for an all-in event called Youth Unite. I’m increasingly appreciating these nights the longer I am a part of St. John’s. They are a really positive example of people from all different backgrounds getting together because of Jesus.

No event is perfect but Youth Unite has so much going for it, I highly recommend you get your youth along to all three events this year.

Here’s the details.

  • Start time: 6:30 drop off at St. John’s (61 Main St. Diamond Creek, we’ll car pool from there.)
  • End time: 10pm pick up (we may organise to drop youth home if possible but we’ll call ahead if we do)
  • Host Location: Uni Hill Church Bundoora (you can take your youth straight there at 7pm if you like).
  • Food: Supper provided
  • Cost: $5

It should be a great night, we hope as many St. John’s youth as possible can be there.

Click here to see the Facebook event.


P.S. If you haven’t done so already, please register your kid/s for a life group here. Leaders will be in touch with groups in the next two weeks.