'youthpartofgodsmission' Tagged Posts

Youth Part of God’s Mission + Online Escape Room

Hello parents, Our first time as ‘Youth part of God’s Mission’ is next Sunday! As St John’s Youth we will be practically loving the current participants of the Alpha course being run by St John’s. Alpha will be having their final meeting together, talking about what church is. As a group, we’re going to prepare them some yummy food and decorate the room to help them celebrate the end of the course. We think this will be a great opportunity to…

Hybrid Youth Ministry Survey + St John’s Youth part of God’s Mission

Hey Parents, I hope you and your family have had a wonderful Easter and are continuing to enjoy your holidays! It’s time to gather feedback around our Hybrid Youth Ministry trial! Off the back of doing online youth ministry in 2020, we decided to try a hybrid in-person/online youth ministry for Term 1 of 2021. To access the full document outlining the trial click here. Please complete a 5 min survey to give us your feedback here.  Our Hybrid Youth…