'theprayercourse' Tagged Posts
Hi Parents, Over the last few months we have been working our way through The Prayer Course every second week in our Youth Life Groups. This course follows the Lords prayer over 8 sessions. It has been an awesome time of increasing our understanding of prayer and going deeper in our prayer lives both individually and as a group. This is a great course for all ages so you may like to do it yourself at home and get a…
Dinner this week + The Prayer Course
Hey Parents, This week, 25th August we have dinner at 5 pm before our Sunday@6 service! Dinner is in the St John’s foyer, we recommend bringing a $5 donation to help us cover costs. Come along for delicious food plus the opportunity to get to know each other better. All are welcome. Click here for other dinner dates this term. On Sunday our Youth Life Groups began The Prayer Course. This course follows the Lords prayer over 8 session. In this time we’ll get to understand…