'survey' Tagged Posts
Youth Events Survey – Term 2 and 3 2019
Hey parents, We think that our occasional Friday night Youth Events are the best and the more youth available to come the better. We are only a medium sized youth ministry so numbers can be quite unpredictable. This year we are asking that you please complete this survey with our proposed dates for events in term 2 and 3. This gives us a great head start to plan these events knowing that we wont have to cancel a week out…
Sunday@6 timing changes
G’day Parents, We’ve made a few structural changes to our Sunday@6 services that I wanted to let you know about. Previously we aimed to finish at 7:30pm. Starting now and going till at least the end of term 3 (when we’ll review) we’re aiming to finish our services between 7pm and 7:10. Here’s a few quick reasons we’re trying this out: Slightly shorter services may be a bit more accessible for visitors who have limited church experience. Earlier finish makes…