'board games' Tagged Posts
5pm Activities – Nov 26
G’day Parents, Sometimes we run some fun times before the service on a Sunday. This week we run our last for the year. Like the recent youth event, it’s games based, but not epic like the youth event because we only have an hour. There’ll be a bunch of short-and-sharp games to play that we hope will bring some fun social time to everyone who attends. Details? It’s at 5pm. It’s free. Just turn up and have fun 🙂 Click…
Location confirmed for Epic Board Games
G’day Parents, Just a quick note to let you know that tonight’s youth event will be held in the portable building between the main church building and the church office (which looks like a house, just to make it more confusing). It’s commonly known as the Pizza Box. We’ve received a number of RSVPs but we can fit a few more people so it’s not too late to sign up. Rocking up without RSVPing might be okay, it would just…
Youth Event: Epic Board Games
G’day parents, We’ve got our final Friday night event coming up in just under two weeks. Here’s the details: Board games are fun but not always epic. Forget Snakes and Ladders, forget Monoply, we’re going way more hardcore than that. Plus: food and friendly people! This event will run from 6-10pm on Friday the 10th of November. We’ll confirm the location closer to the date when we have a good idea of numbers. It will be in Diamond Creek or…