One hundred and fifty-five years.
For 155 years, St John’s has been “the church on the hill” in Diamond Creek.
In November of 1867, the foundation stone of our church building was laid (and subsequently lost, but that’s another story). Each year, on that anniversary, we come together to thank God for the work he has done, and is still doing, in our midst.
Our services on November 13 marked this anniversary, with a time of reflection and thanksgiving.
As a church family, it’s so encouraging to share our stories, and show where God has been at work.
During this season, we also encourage you to go above and beyond in expressing thankfulness and praise to God through giving to our Thanksgiving Appeal.
We’d love you to consider what your capacity to give might be, and to give in one of two ways this year: through a direct debit with the description ‘Thanksgiving Appeal’ or using online giving and selecting the Thanksgiving Appeal option. Head to for instructions on how to give.
We’re so thankful to God for the last 155 years of knowing Jesus, and making Jesus known in Diamond Creek, and so looking forward to what he’ll do next.