Welcome to Term 4!
I hope everyone enjoyed some quality downtime over the semester break.
St John’s Kids resumes at the 10am service this week …
Our curriculum this term will cover the book of 1 Samuel, which will link with, but not strictly follow, the preaching series.
Our 3yo-Kinder program will remain in the rooms off the Hall. Any child who has turned 3 is welcome to join this group. Please note: We need a few more assistants in this room, to have this group run each week. If you can volunteer once or twice during the term, please let me know. This does not require lesson planning – just being an extra set of hands, and a second adult in the room to fulfil duty of care requirements. (However, if you are interested in teaching, do let me know that too!)
Preps will be transitioning to the Primary Program in the Hall. If you have a Preppie, you might like to have a chat to them before Sunday to let them know what to expect.
Most weeks, the kids enjoy a game or activity where they can interact across age groups, followed by breakout groups and age-appropriate teaching.
This term our teaching groups will be – Prep/1/2, Grade 3, Grades 4/5/6.
Our Grade 6s are still a very valued part of St John’s Kids, but this term will be the start of a transition for them too. You can expect an invitation to a Grade 6 & Year 7 Dinner, which will be mid-November. This will be an opportunity for Grade 6s to meet our Youth Minister, Cam Berndt, and some of the other leaders, make some new friends, and chat about Life Groups and events for youth. I’ll be there too, as a familiar face. Following the dinner, other youth will arrive to join the 6/7s for a games night.
Some upcoming dates to note …
Sun 06 Nov: Farewell – Kirk Mackenzie, from 4:30pm, dinner followed by 6:00pm service.
Wed 09 Nov: St John’s AGM, 7:30pm
Sun 13 Nov: Thanksgiving Service & Picnic. At our services, we will be reflecting on, and giving thanks for, the year that has been. There will also be a combined celebration picnic lunch, with games! and cake!!
Fri 02 Dec: Gingerbread House-making Christmas Event, 7:00pm, Intergenerational event – great for inviting non-church family & friends too.
Sun 11 Dec: Farewell – Kylie Pilkington, 10:00am service followed by morning tea.
Sun 18 Dec: Community Carols
Here’s to a great term!
Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister
St John’s is committed to Child Safety and welcomes your feedback on how we can keep improving.
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