'christmas' Tagged Posts
Christmas + Camp Crave
Hello Parents, Just in case your kids haven’t been reminding you enough – it’s 9 days until Christmas! Click here for all the details of Christmas Services at St John’s. Camp Crave will be back again in 2020! Camp Crave is for students in years 7-12 (or equivalent). It’s a great few days of outdoor activities, teaching and relationship building. It’s also a great opportunity to grow in your understanding of God, ask those questions you’ve always wanted to ask…
Christmas at St Johns
Hey Parents, We’ve got a bunch of events and Christmas services coming up this December, all celebrating Jesus’ birthday. DIAMOND CREEK COMMUNITY CAROLS This Sunday is the annual DIAMOND CREEK COMMUNITY CAROLS! Come along for one of our great Diamond Creek traditions! We’ll gather together as a community to sing great carols, including traditional favourites and some new ones. We’ll have school groups performing, the real story of Christmas, and night of fun times with friends! Details: 15th December 6 pm…
Community Carols this Sunday
G’day Parents, This weekend (Dec 16) Sunday@6 will not be at the St John’s buildling. Instead we’ll be at the Community Carols down at Coventry Oval. You can read about it at our info hub or check out the Facebook event. See you there for a sausage and some singing. Finishes with fireworks! We’ll have one more Sunday@6 service on Dec 23. There will be no evening service on Dec 30. Kirk
The Rest of 2017
G’day Parents, This might be my last post of the year so I thought I’d give you a good idea what’s happening over Christmas: Sunday@6 is finished for the year. This Sunday (Dec 17) we have the Diamond Creek Community Carols which we encourage you to come along and enjoy being a part of. Literally finishes with a bang (fireworks). Click here to view the details of our Christmas Eve services. If you’re not sure which service will be the most…