St John’s Kids Photo Request
On Sunday 23 May, our Grade 4/5/6s will be creating a church family collage, which the wider congregation will be invited to add photos or drawings to in following weeks. It would be much appreciated if each child in those year levels would bring a family photo to St John’s Kids either this week, or on the 23rd.
Note: For privacy and child-safe reasons, no names will be displayed with the photos.
Going Bananas 2021 is happening!
PreCOVID, our Going Bananas holiday program, for Primary School kids, ran for 20 consecutive years. It was disappointing, but obviously necessary, to cancel the event last year.
We still have some COVID restrictions in place, so to accommodate as many children as possible in a way that provides a safe environment for all, it will look a little different this year.
We will be running a one-day program, a ‘mini Bananas’ pirate adventure – Anchors Aweigh!
If you would like your child(ren) to sail the seas with us and enjoy a day of games, bible teaching, craft and more, you will be able to book for either Wednesday 30 June or Thursday 1 July. It will be an identical program repeated. We will consider also repeating the program on Friday 2 July if we book out the first two days.
Sign up to be notified as soon as registrations open (late-May).
If you would like to support this outreach event, we need volunteers to help with small group leadership, welcoming, craft, tech, decoration/set making, hospitality, cleaning, etc. Please register your interest and we will be in touch.
Have a great week,
Kylie – Children & Families’ Minister
St John’s is committed to Child Safety and welcomes your feedback on how we can keep improving.
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