Youth Unite Winter + Hybrid Youth Min update

Youth Unite Winter + Hybrid Youth Min update

Hello Parents,

A big thank you to everyone (youth and parents!) that gave feedback around our Hybrid Youth Ministry trial. Off the back of this feedback, we have decided to increase in-person meetings in all our youth life groups.

  • Isobel and Adrian’s group: Will meet in person whenever possible using zoom as a resource occasionally e.g. if a leader is unable to lead in person due to being unwell, in the case of another lockdown, around exam time to limit travel time, etc.
  • Ella and Scott’s group: Will meet in person (commencing 30th May) whenever possible using zoom as a resource occasionally e.g. if a leader is unable to lead in person due to being unwell, in the case of another lockdown, etc.
  • Andi and Jacob’s group: We will trial meeting in person (commencing 30th May) for two weeks and then meeting again online, then assessing whether to do once or twice a month on zoom. Youth in this group expressed their appreciation of the different formats.

We will continue to have occasional Online Youth events as these have been a popular time for hanging out and having fun alongside our occassional in-person events.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me (Andi) any clarifying questions or comments you have. We will continue to adapt to the changing post-lockdown Melbourne and what works best for St Johns Youth and families!

Youth Unite Winter is going to be a Q and A! We will have a panel of youth and leaders to ask questions about life and faith. Does your youth already have a question? Text now to 0490 453 293

This is a great opportunity for youth to be encouraged as a part of our united movement of youth seeking to find meaning and purpose in our relationship with Jesus.


  • Friday 4th June
  • 7 – 9.30 pm
    (We’re hosting so we’d love youth to come early and stick around after to get involved – 6.30 pm – 10 pm)
  • Location: St Johns
  • Years 7-12
  • $5 entry

Please RSVP here and let us know if you can help out.

Have a great week,

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