'easter' Tagged Posts

Who is the Good Friday Experience for?

G’day Parents, This year, we are trying something new on Good Friday; an evening event we’re calling the Good Friday Experience. We’ve given a mature content warning for this event so I thought I’d write and explain what to expect so that you can choose which of your kids might attend. Our aim is to tell the story of Good Friday in a creative way. This will include video, music, drama and design. If you’re familiar with the story, you’ll…


  Hey parents, At St John’s we’re all about Jesus so we think that Easter is great – a week all about Jesus’ death and resurrection. We have a number of services to mark His victory over sin and death. Click here for details of all our Easter Services. Also, a reminder to please complete this survey with our proposed dates for youth events in term 2 and 3. This gives us a great head start to plan these events knowing that…

Easter Services

G’day Parents, Please click here for details of our Easter Services this coming weekend. Although there will not be separate teaching time for children, the Good Friday and Easter Sunday services have been planned with children in mind. There will be no 5pm dinners during the school holidays including Easter Sunday. Kirk [mc4wp_form id=”5448″]

Easter Holidays

G’day Parents, Hope the holidays have started well at your place. Here’s a few bits of info about holidays and youth at St. John’s. There are no 5pm activities or dinners on Sundays during the holidays or the two long weekends at that follow. So the first 5pm activities for term 2 will be on 30th April. There IS a 5pm prayer meeting before the service when there is no activities. You and your family are welcome to join. We…