There’s been a huge amount of upheaval in the last two years, through the pandemic, but at the end of the day, the human heart hasn’t changed much since Jesus’ death and resurrection 2000 years ago.
We all present ourselves to others as slightly better than what we actually are. We try and smooth out the internal wrinkles that we all have.
God though, knows us intimately. He knows and sees all our wrinkles, our imperfections. But God still seeks us out, knows us, and loves us.
There’s no point hiding from God, or pretending to have it all together when we talk to God. So while we might present ourselves in a way that hides some of those stuff ups to others, we can be completely open and honest with God.
Next Steps
➜ Our recommended free Bible App. Includes audio and text version of the bible in many different translations and languages.
➜ Read Luke’s biography of Jesus for free on Bible Gateway.
➜ Sign up for ALPHA – a place to ask questions about Faith, Life, and Meaning.
➜ Share your contact details with us so you can stay connected with our church.