Important Update for Youth Life Groups

Important Update for Youth Life Groups

Dear Parents,

As you’ve hopefully heard by now, we have suspended all worship services for the foreseeable future. If you missed it, have a read and watch of Tim’s message.

We believe continuing to meet in Life Groups will be integral in maintaining a sense of community, limit feelings of social isolation and help encourage each other in this time of change.

Youth Life Groups will continue to run during this time with precautions being made to ensure the safety of our youth and leaders. Therefore, please do not attend a Youth Life Group if you are feeing unwell with cold or flu like symptoms. Other precautions will include; hand sanitizing on arrival, no food and spreading out as we meet to ensure appropriate social distancing.

The Younger Youth Life Group will meet this Sunday, 22nd March, before breaking for the holidays. We hope to return in some format April 19.

The Older Youth Life Group will meet next Thursday, 26th March, before breaking for the holidays. We hope to return in some format April 16. If you are part of this group, your leaders Isobel and Adrian will contact you if this changes.

Before returning after the holidays we will re-assess our delivery of Youth Life Groups. As things are changing so rapidly anything is possible! We may need to transition to an online platform for our Life Groups, meet in smaller numbers, even hang out by playing some online games together.

Despite the changes occurring in our church communities I am encouraged by Jesus words:

“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

However big or small our meetings, whether in person or online we can still love each-other knowing Jesus is right here with us. Let’s show the world what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

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